Here goes nothing

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Of course, now that I'm alone, all tucked in my bed with nothing but my thoughts to occupy me and none of Jordan's enthusiasm to bolster me, I'm rethinking everything. I've never admitted this to anyone but I don't really like being alone. An island that pretty much empties out every winter is probably not really the best fit for me but I love it here. All of my happiest moments have happened on Skye and since I literally live here all winter while just paying utilities and keeping an eye on the main house, how can I complain? Still, I know I won't be here forever. Maybe that's why I make the most of every day. At some point, my desire for companionship or heck, good produce during the winter, will drive me away from the first place I've called home in a very long time. Uh, this is not me.

A text comes in an I wonder if it's Jack about work. Nope, Jordan.

J-lo: Stop second-guessing yourself. NIKE!!!!!

I smile. Somehow, against all odds, thinking about Mr. Nike is an improvement.

Lyam: I'm worried I'll get attached.

J-lo: He's not exactly the sweet, cuddly type. I think you'll be alright. Dude is snarly.

He's not wrong. Maybe that will be enough to remind my heart that this is going to be a one and done. I've done it before. Once. I mean, mostly cause the guy ghosted me afterwards but still, I'm capable.

It storms and pours overnight, the freak heatwave finally breaking. The next day I don't work at Wisteria but he does come in for a coffee in the afternoon. He acts perfectly normal, as if the kiss never happened. That's fine, at least he's not avoiding me.

This morning he's waiting for me, leaning over the porch rail when I push my bike into place. I wave and for the first time ever, I get a wave back. Okay, so he mostly just straightens his fingers and doesn't look particularly happy about it, but it counts. The entire way over, I'd been planning on talking to him about, you know, right before I leave so that if he laughs I won't have to stick around, but I realize that it's now or never. I will totally chicken out if I wait. I walk up and stand next to him on the porch. "Um, hi."


Deep breath. Okay, let's do this. "I was wondering if the kiss the other day meant that you might uh, might want to fuck?" The last few words come out as nothing more than a whisper but I can tell by his inhale that he heard me. Jordan will be so proud of me! I did it!!!!

**** Fine Noelle, you win.  Apparently I can't write PG ;)

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