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I can't breathe. I'm panicking. I can't fucking breathe. My ears are pounding so loud that it's all I can hear. My vision is slowly blurring.

"Kai, look at me." I lift my eyes to meet Eddie's. His hands come to my cheeks softly.

My hands are shaking and my heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest. It feels so tight. Like there's no way any oxygen can pass through my lungs.

"Deep breath in." he says slowly. This isn't the first panic attack I've had around him but this feels like the worst.

I struggle to take a breath. My breathing is ragged and as I try to inhale through my nose. The breath is shaky but I manage it.

"There we go, baby. Deep breath out." Eddie continues in a gentle tone. I do my best to follow his instructions. Again and again he talks me through my breathing until my body calms and my breathing returns back to normal.

"Oh! And chocolate!" He digs in his pocket and pulls out a candy bar. He tears the wrapper with his teeth and hands it to you.

You take a small bite and give him a little smile. "Wayne said it was good to regulate your blood sugar during a panic attack.. I should have given you that sooner." Eddie leans forward and pecks your forehead.

"Thank you, Eds." I whisper as I taste the sweetness of the Hershey bar against my tongue. "You're an angel." I say as I lean in to kiss him.

"I think you know that's not true." he teases with a wink. "Oh, I'm sorry. Wouldn't wanna ruin your bad boy image." I laugh as he pulls me close again.

That's when we hear it.

A blood curdling scream from behind Eddie. From the woods.

Eddie's eyes flick to mine and I try to stand but my body is still feeling a bit weak.

"Was that..." I start. "Carol." Eddie answers before I can finish. We hear a loud rustling of leaves and another shriek.

Holy shit.

Carol appears at the edge of the woods, a look of complete terror on her face. Her arm is outstretched as she locks eyes with you. Her white tank top is slowly turning dark.

Eddie takes off towards her, his feet pounding against the ground and I run after him as fast as I can. As we get closer I can see the blood spreading quickly across the fabric of her shirt, like ink being spilled onto a piece of paper.

Oh god..

Eddie reaches down to pick her up and she meets his eyes. She has tears streaming down her face, her mascara running in little rivers. She opens her mouth to speak but there's blood pooling in it and her words are hard to make out.

 She opens her mouth to speak but there's blood pooling in it and her words are hard to make out

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You hear a gurgling sound as she tries to speak again and your stomach turns violently. She coughs, spraying blood onto Eddie's shirt. She manages one word before you watch the life drain from her eyes.

Obsession (An Eddie Munson Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now