Chapter Nine: Friends... No Matter What.

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**Hey guys. So here's the deal. I have had a fairly bad day, and really don't have any ideas to even write. However, I'm going to update, because it needs to be done. So, bear with me. It'll probably be short.**

>>>2 days later>>>

<Myla POV>

After that kiss two nights ago, I don't remember much of what happened, all I know is that I've been in a very good mood. Laura was thrilled that we had kissed, and had been texting me constantly, wanting to know all the little details, even though I must have told her seven different times.

I was supposed to have class today, but my class was cancelled due to my professor having an illness. So I called work, telling them I could come in early, but instead, they told me I wasn't needed today because the manager was making up some missed hours. So today had turned into a "me day."

My me day started with a shower and a bowl of cereal. Then, after cleaning up a little bit around the house, I picked up my new book and curled up on the porch swing outside.

Rosie was perched on a chair by the back door, meowing at me occasionally, like she wanted to have a conversation. I talked to her back and forth, enjoying the peace of the day and the plotline of my new book. Before I knew it, I had drifted off into a happy, peaceful nap.

>>>Time Skip>>>

<Laura POV>

"Mylaaaaaaa! Myla! MYLA!" I was pounding on the front door, swearing because I had forgotten the garage code and she wasn't answering her phone. Where the hell WAS she ?! I was hungry and lonely.

With one last aggravated knock, I started to walk around back. Myla liked to sit outside and read, maybe she couldn't hear me. As I walked up to the back porch, I saw a familiar head of ginger curls hanging over the swing, obviously asleep. I chuckled...Typical My.

I walked up onto the porch and sat on the swing by Myla's feet, tapping her leg. "Hey, My. Myla, wake up!"

Myla groaned and sat up, her curls askew. She blinked a few times, her hazel eyes confused, looking at me. "When did...?" she asked. I giggled.

"Just now. Do you have ice cream?"

She nodded, and flopped back over onto the swing, groaning. I laughed, getting up to help myself. I scratched Rosie's head on the way in, and she gave me a disgruntled meow. Jeez... they were both cranky when they woke up.

<Myla's POV>

About 5 minutes later, Laura and I were sitting on the swing, eating ice cream straight out of the carton it came in. It was quiet, but not awkward. Finally, Laura broke the silence.

"This whole thing is nuts, isn't it?" she asked. I knew what she was talking about.

"Yeah... it is," I agreed, taking another bite of ice cream. "You and Kankuro... are you together?"

Laura laughed. "God that sounds weird. But to answer.. I'm not sure. Kinda. We're flirting, and we've kissed a few times."

I smiled. "It is weird, but at least it's good." She nodded.

"You and Kiba?" she asked. I chuckled, eating more ice cream.

"I don't know what the hell we are, but we're something," I said, making Laura giggle.

"This is so whacked," she said, leaning her head back against the swing, a smile on her face. "So freaking whacked."

"Laura," I said, "When has ANYTHING that's ever happened to us been normal?"

After a few minutes of silence, we both erupted into giggles, that soon turned into fits of uncontrollable laughter, to the point where there were tears in our eyes.

No matter what happened, no matter who we ever dated... no one cold ever change the friendship Laura and I had.

**Okay, it's over! Sorry it's short and not related to the story XD It took me two hours to write this, I was so distracted XD Enjoy!**


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