Chapter 13: Girls Night Out (Kinda)

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**Hey guys, so this is gonna be a short chapter because I have plans all night long and therefore, not a lot of time to write. And school starts Monday for me. *sarcastic* Yaaay. Anyhoo, enjoy**

<Laura's POV>

Even for someone like me who doesn't normally set much store in looks, I will admit that there are some things that you just can't look anything less than fabulous for. One of those things is a girls night out. So when Myla walked out of her room in soffee shorts and a t-shirt, I yelled in frustration and threw my hands up in exasperation.

"What?" Myla asked, confused. Then it seemed to dawn on her, considering I was in a red minidress, and Temari was rocking a black miniskirt. "No. Oh no."

"Oh yes," Temari and I said at the same time, dragging fashion-oblivious Myla back into her bedroom, where we proceeded to doll her up to the best of our abilities.

After much complaining, negotiating, refusal, and swearing, we had finally coaxed Myla into a pair of black leggings and a gold sequin crop top, which showed enough skin to be sexy, but hid enough skin so that Myla didn't feel uncomfortable. Her natural curls had been prodded into submission so that they fell in loose spirals around her face and shoulders, and I congratulated Temari on a makeup job well done. The only thing that would have made Myla prettier is if she would have stopped glaring at us and threatening to kill us.


<Gaara's POV>

Listening to my brother, Naruto, and Kiba play video games at the local arcade was not my idea of a good time. Even though Kankuro had insisted that I need to 'adapt better to social circumstances', I highly doubted that acting like an idiot was the right way to go about it.

"Take that, puppet-boy!" Kiba shouted as he beat Kankuro, yet again, at some game or another. Kankuro started yelling obscenities at him, which caused Naruto to start taking sides and joining in the slandering, and Kiba started firing back. Which led us to be kicked out of the arcade.

"You're all a bunch of idiots," I told them as we walked through the mall, eating ice cream. Kankuro shot me a look, and Kiba rolled his eyes.

"Why did we bring him along again?" Kiba asked.

"I'd like to know that, too," I said. Kankuro sighed.

"He needs to get out and about more, have some fun, loosen up a bit!" he explained. I shook my head.

"This isn't fun," I said, probably for the thirteenth time that evening. Naruto sighed, and was about to make a comment, when he suddenly stopped walking and started smirking.

"What?" I asked. He ignored me, and turned to Kiba and Kankuro.

"Isn't that your lady friends?" Naruto asked. Kiba and Kankuro followed Naruto's line of vision, and their jaws dropped at the same time.

"Hot damn," Kankuro murmured, while Kiba nodded soundlessly. I sighed.

This was going to be a long night.

<Myla's POV>

Even though being dressed up wasn't one of my favorite things, it did feel nice to feel pretty. I walked along with Temari and Laura, laughing about stories Temari told us about her brothers growing up. We were walking out of a store, talking about the good deals we had just gotten, when Laura stopped and sighed.

"So much for a girls night," she muttered. Confused, I followed her gaze, and saw the boys staring at us, Kiba and Kankuro open-mouthed. I sighed.

"Great," Temari muttered. I shrugged.

"Tell them to leave us alone," I offered. "It's not like they can follow us around all night if we completely ignore them."

"Yes, they can," Temari and Laura said at the same time.

"Then we can leave and go shopping somewhere else," I said. "I'll drive."

Laura and Temari looked thoughtful, before nodding in agreement. Considering the closest mall besides this was was 30 minutes away, I was looking forward to an interesting road trip.


It was 11:00PM, and we finally pulled back into my driveway. Temari decided to stay yet another night, which Mom was totally okay with. So we all sat in my bedroom, me on my bed, Laura in my chair, and Temari on the floor. The conversation was pretty easy and relaxed, talking about random things. It was an enjoyable time, and in my opinion, better than a girls night out. I had ways preferred a night in, anyway, so I guessed my opinion was biased.

Temari fell asleep first, and Laura and I sat in silence, both thinking the same thing, but neither of us wanting to say it out loud. Finally, she broke the silence.

"What happens ... If they have to go back?" she asked, her voice soft. I shrugged, even though she couldn't see it in the dark.

"I dunno, Laura.... I just ... I don't want to think about it," I replied softly.

"Me neither," she agreed.

We both lapsed into silence once again, both to our own thoughts. Finally, I heard the deep breathing that let me know Laura had finally passed out. So it was only me, staring at my ceiling, with Rosie laying on my pillow. I reached up to pet her, allowing her sleepy purr to soothe me.

"Oh, Rosie," I murmured, "what am I gonna do?"

She responded by resting her chin on my neck, right under my chin, and continuing to purr. I fell asleep with my arm around her, trying to ignore the tears rolling freely down my face.

**well that turned out more depressing than I wanted it to. Oh well. What's to be expected? Im in a mood because my friends are kinda being jerks to me right now. Anyhoo, hope you enjoyed, and until next time as always, my lovlies !!!**

-Rei :3

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