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 Once Amanda helped close the door to darkness, she wondered alone in the darkness. For some unknown reason, she got separated by King Mickey. Suddenly, she started to lose balance and her eyes couldn't stay open. She collapsed and fell asleep, unknown to her she begins floating in an empty void. She wakes up, still trapped in the Realm of Darkness. Amanda starts to float around and asked herself "Where am I........where's...?". A man's voice is heard inside her head and interrupts her "Stay asleep.". Amanda gasps in fright "Who's there?! Show yourself!". The Voice told her "You should remain asleep. Here, between light and dark.". Amanda looked around and asked "Between...what? She gasps again in fright, remembering someone important The king! Where's the king?! Together we closed the door to darkness. After that—". The Voice explained to her "You came drifting here by yourself. You did not have the strength to overcome the darkness. Or...maybe you were close to it." Amanda wasn't threatened by that mysterious 'Voice' "Hmph. As if I'm some kind of demon or a parasite waiting to be exterminated." The Voice instructed her "Hmm. Turn from the light. Shut your eyes. Here blanketed by the darkness, sleep is safety. Sleep is eternal. But...". A light shines, revealing a card. Amanda averts her eyes from the light. The card floats around her, she looks at it in confusion and wonder at the same time, so she asked "What's this?". The Voice replied "It is a door to the truth. Take it and your sleep ends, as you take the first step toward the truth. But know this: the truth will bring you pain. Will you still go? There is no return to the security of sleep.". She starts to think for a moment, and then takes the card, which is of the Hollow Bastion world. Where she began her journey assisting the villains and the First Order in their evil schemes against the multiverse. Amanda shrugged and said "This seemed like a boring place to take a nap anyway. Besides I've got important things I need to do.". The mysterious Voice said "That was very well said, Amanda.". Before Amanda could say anything, the card starts to glow almost binding her, and she's transported to the Twelfth Basement of Castle Oblivion. She looks around and wonders of her new surroundings. She sees a door up ahead. She then looks at the Hollow Bastion card and said to herself "A door to the truth, huh...". She holds up the card to the door. It opens in bright light.

Kingdom Hearts Jedi Keyblade Knight:  Reverse/Rebirth (Amanda's Story)Where stories live. Discover now