Chapter Four: Amanda vs Vexen - Basement 10 (Neverland)

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Basement 10 (Neverland)---------(B10)

Meanwhile, Amanda enters the Tenth Basement. She holds up her next card at the Basement 10 world entrance and enters the next world. Amanda enters Neverland, on Captain Hook's ship. She passes through the world, defeating the Heartless, wars of men and the pirates. When she got onto the deck of the ship, she encountered Captain Hook and Ocean Master (Orm). When they both saw her, they were not happy to see her. They called her a traitor, for betraying them and for 'using' them for a 'wild goose chase' - capturing Wendy, who wasn't a 'Royal of Heart'. She ignored their threats and fought against them. Captain Hook has two sleights that she needed to be aware of in order to win. The first is Barrel Blast, where Captain Hook moves to one end and tosses six barrels onto the deck. It's easy to avoid these and let them roll back to Captain Hook for an easy stun. It is also easy to flip to a 0 card and break this, do so and get into Dark Mode. Using an Inverse Burst here is perfect for doing a ton of damage, you won't regret it. She had want to be careful when Hook uses his random value card, but otherwise, this isn't tough. Orm used his trident moves to attack her, he nearly stabbed her, but she rolled on top of him and slashed at his back. She managed to defeat them, by knocking away their weapons out of their hands and finished up them in Dark mode.

She comes out into the Basement 10 Exit Hall and is confronted by Vexen, who appears in the room. He had a smug look on his face. Amanda looked at him in an odd way, "Huh? Who are you supposed to be?" She asked in a confused tone. Vexen replied "I take it you're Amanda. Friends with Skywalker's daughter." Amanda asked "Are you with Ansem? Or the First Order? Or maybe Lex Luthor? Slade Wilson?". Vexen found it amusing, with a smug look on his face. He replied to Amanda's question "You are half correct. Let us say that he is not the Ansem with which you are familiar. The First Order and both Mr Wilson and Mr Luthor are very difficult and malicious people to interfere with. He is Ansem and he is not Ansem. Perhaps a "Nobody" best conveys the idea." Amanda didn't like his attitude and scoffed "Hmph! Riddles were never my thing. Try again, this time no lies!". Vexen replied to her. "He belongs to neither the light nor the dark but walks the twilight between.". Amanda gasps in shock and horror. Vexen laughs at her to his amusement. Vexen asked "Catching on now? Oh yes, you also stand in between the light and the darkness. It appears we have much in common." Amanda felt annoyed by his attitude and replied "Maybe... Like you said, there really is darkness left inside of me. But so what? Darkness is my enemy!" She summons her Soul Eater and continued talking "And so are you for reeking of that awful smell!". Vexen mocked her "Oh ho! So it's a fight you want. Very good---I shall take you on!" He summons his ice shield, ready to attack her. Amanda and Vexen fight against each other.

Amanda jumps and slashes at Vexen, but he blocks it with his shield. Amanda strikes again, but is blocked. Vexen laughs at her, while he has his shield in front of her. Vexen continues laughing, while Amanda grunted with seriousness in her eyes. Vexen grinned and said "Impressive, I find, coursing through you, there is a darkness of formidable power growing! Well worth the trouble of aggravating you. All this excitement has provided me with invaluable data." Amanda gasped in shock of his trickery against her "What?! What do you mean?! Tell me!" But instead of answering her question, he just hits her with his ice shield, which pushes her back to the end of the hall. Vexen smiled like a dirty weasel and said "Many thanks, Amanda!. Ta-Ta!". Vexen disappears in a black corridor, Amanda rushed to her feet and runs after him. But she was too late, this annoyed Amanda greatly "Tch... It was a trick all along. Ugh! What a creep! He's worse than Chad le Iago putting gum on our bike seats! or when Stacy Van Hellscream tried to steal and cheat our completed homework. I even remember when Quinn sabotaged Mimosa's photography project." Amanda enters the Ninth Basement. She holds up her next card at the Basement 9 world entrance and enters the next world.  

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