Chapter Six: Amanda vs Amanda Replica - Basement 8 (3 worlds)

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Basement 8 (Traverse Town, Pachyderm Parade and Passamaquoddy)......................................(B08)

Amanda enters Traverse Town, in the second district where she was reunited with Darcey. It also where she first met Donald, Goofy and Jiminy, before she succumbed to Maleficent's deception to join her. She passes through, defeating Heartless and the Guard Armor. With no difficulty, since Guard Armor is still one of the easier bosses, but she did use quite a few high value cards. She needed to destroy the arms and legs first, but they go quickly, and she did enter Dark Mode fast. Sleights aren't really useful since they miss often, unless she use Inverse Burst which could end the battle fast. The Gimmick Card causes Guard Armor to crumple into a heap of metal, leaving itself wide open for a good thrashing.

Once it was gone, She enters Pachyderm Parade, she was inside the tent and saw people running for their lives, from the giant ringmaster heartless. Just as she was about to attack the monster, she saw an elephant and her baby trapped (Mrs Jumbo and Dumbo). So, following her instincts she ran through the crowd and freed the elephants. Allowing them to escape, as she battled the ringmaster heartless. She jumped at high lengths to strike the heartless in the face. However, that made it very mad, entering rage mode and began thrashing at her. Luckily, she avoided its attacks by using 'The King' cards and Dark mode, only briefly to defeat the giant heartless and stabbed it in the face. The tent was quiet with no heartless or no people, so she entered the next world.

She raised the air in the air, it glowed brightly as she entered the next world of Passamaquoddy. To her surprise, the town was deserted and quiet. While she explored the world, while battling the heartless and finding supplies. She sensed someone was watching her, she heard a step of broken glass and quickly summoned her weapon, to prevent her attacker from ambushing her. HYDRA agents showed themselves in front of them. Attacking her from different angles, but she fought against them using magic cards such as 'Thunderza", "Blizzardra" and "Aero". Including "Dark Figra" and using 'The King' cards. To avoid their attacks, she did get injured from some of the agents. Thankfully, she had the Curaga cards to heal her injuries. Once the HYDRA agents were defeated she leaves the town and enters the Basement 8 Exit Hall.

To both her shock and astonishment, she sees somebody up ahead and she couldn't believe her eyes. She was either seeing things or was dreaming, or was hungry. To make sure she wasn't neither of those, she pinched herself and to shock she wasn't. Amanda asked in shock "Huh?! What are you supposed to be?". A second Amanda enters, the same Amanda Replica that Darcey and her friends encountered. Amanda Replica asked "Surprised? I guess you should be. After all, I look just like you. I'll tell you what I am. I'm an exact replica of you that Vexen made from your data." Amanda quickly figured it out "So you're a fake me. A decoy with my face." That ticked off the second Amanda and snarked at her "Not a "fake"! Or decoy! I don't care if you're "real"! You're not better! We share the same body and the same talents. But there is one easy way to tell us apart, though!" The replica points at Amanda, while continuing "Unlike you, I fear nothing. Not even the Dark side of the Force, like your pal Skywalker." Amanda glared at her in frustration "So are you calling me a coward? Darcey doesn't need the dark side of the force to be stronger." Amanda Replica insulted her " Admit It! You're afraid of the dark! The darkness inside you still frightens you, no matter what you say or do." Amanda growled at her "'re despicable, like Meredith and her juvenile delinquents friends." Amanda Replica said " Flatter, But I'M different. I embrace the darkness. I can make it do whatever I want. (The replica changes into Dark Mode. She also summons her Soul Eater) So... I can wipe the floor with you!". The two Amandas battle each other out. The fight against the Amanda Replica was little difficult, but she use Dark Aura where she could only use Helm Bash, which hurts, but it can't compare. She also used Inverse Burst and Dark Aura to quickly spin the battle in her favour. If she got, into a Duel with her replica because her deck is stronger–it's easy to get a hit in this way. It can be hard, but with Amanda Replica's limited attacks and Amanda's Dark Mode, there's just no comparison. She fought with dignity and patience, after the battle, the replica is laying on one knee in exhaustion.

Amanda looked at her, while holding Soul Eater in her hand, and cried out "Hey, Fake. I thought I heard you say you were gonna wipe the floor with me. Looks I'm tougher than you." That didn't seem to threaten the Replica, Amanda Replica said "Hmph. Don't forget, I'm still new. I'll get stronger and stronger. The next time we fight, you're finished!" This angered Amanda greatly and yelled out "Then let's fight now!" Amanda strikes the replica's head, but she releases dark energy that flings the real Amanda backwards. The replica laughs to her amusement at Amanda's attack. Amanda Replica gloated "It's nice having darkness on my side. You are SO missing out. How could you be scared of something that can be so thrilling?". Amanda recovered the attack, got to her feet and yelled "That's Enough!". Amanda Replica just scoffed at her "Hmph. So now the little coward is playing tough, or is just wanting to play rough. So long, Real Thing. Hope you don't miss me." Allowing the replica to run away into the next floor of the Castle. Amanda ran after her and yelled "Hey! Come back! I'm not finished with you yet!" But the replica was gone, leaving Amanda alone in the floor. She looked at her hand and scoffs "No way. I'm not a coward...No matter what anyone says, especially her." Gathering up her courage, she continues to walk down the hall onto the next floor.

Vexen, Zexion, and Lexaeus in the Basement meeting room. The Amanda Replica enters the room, after having her battle with Amanda. Vexen asked her "Report, so how was the real thing? My dear creation?". Amanda Replica replied to her creator about her template "She's spineless and such a pathetic waste. In no time at all, I'll be better than her." Vexen smiled with the results and asked " In the meantime, would you be interested in meeting another who's considered a heroine?". Amanda Replica asked "You mean Skywalker. I hear she's somewhere in the castle, with her lackeys and her pets. You want me to take care of her?" Vexen thought for a minute and replied to her "We'll see... Yes... I intend to make good use of you.". Amanda Replica didn't feel concerned but felt challenged "No worries. Master. The real Amanda was nothing. Skywalker won't be, either. They're no match for me. Even if Darcey is connected to the 'Force' like her family is, she doesn't have the potential to control it." Vexen felt very pleased with the results his creation is giving him.

Amanda enters the Seventh Basement and felt ready to face her clone again. Amanda yelled out to her "Come out! Show yourself, Fake!". But it wasn't the replica she was expecting, it was Ansem who answered her "Fake? Oh, no... That's not exactly the right word." He said in amusement. Amanda looks around for Ansem, and he appears at the end of the floor. Amanda asked in annoyance "What are you saying? Isn't she just a duplicate of me?". Ansem simply answered her "More like a model. She is an example of what you should try to be. She accepts the darkness...just like you once couldn't help but accept me. But now you are afraid. Perhaps YOU are the one who is being fake. Fake when you pretend to have no fear.". Amanda felt insulted and asked "Since when have I ever been afraid of the dark?". Ansem explained to her "You see...Inside of the card grappled desperately with the darkness. Desperation is fear. You fight the darkness because it is what frightens you." Amanda said "I... Shut Up, you rotten sea roach!" Amanda summons her Soul Eater. She attacks Ansem, who catches the blow and flings her backwards. Ansem mocked her "Stubborn girl." He tosses a card to Amanda, she caught it and pocketed them in her pocket. Ansem continued "Then continue your fight if you must. Eventually, you will learn. You cannot resist the darkness." He disappears. Amanda obtains four more world cards. She holds up her next card at the Basement 7 world entrance and entered to the next world.  

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