Serena charges at Alexis and jumps high up and comes down to try and impale Alexis. Alexis creates a dome-shaped Mandala in defense. Serena lands on it and both blades hit the dome's surface. Serena jumps far into the air a few stories above the school's roof. While rising she slashes her blade and a slash of manna rushes out of the blade and hits the dome. She does it again with her other hand and then with both forming an x. They all fail to get through as Alexis smirks. Serena touches the tips of her blades together and a bright ball of concentrated manna forms. Alexis looks concerned then Serena shoots it at Alexis and upon impact, it creates a powerful shock wave and dust raises from the ground.
For a moment Alexis can't see a thing outside the dome and stares up where she last saw Serena. She looks up in suspense wondering what Serena would try next. All was quiet when suddenly Serene fell like a comet with the shorter ends of her blade making contact with the done and she spins thousands of times a second like a drill.
Manna flows of blades creating spirals two extending vertically around Serene's body and three others another spreading outward from the source. The speed and power from the attack are intense and Alexis crosses her arms to fight against it by concentrating the dome's strength at the point Serena is drilling into the dome right above her face. The power is too overwhelming and the dome breaks. Alexis is sent flying 5 feet parallel to the ground. She is in shock; dazed and in disbelief
Endurofelvitaleon-fita-speeyero!!!She flares to her feet and runs at super speed as she does all her wounds heal and she is back to full health. She speeds past Alexis's body, stands a few meters away from it, and waits for it to come to her.
When she gets close Serene begins to throw a series of potions at Alexis four combustion potions, one above then one below in repeating order then one freezing position in the center. She threw 15 bottles in total.
The effect was Alexis would get hit from above and the pressure from the explosion would send her toward the ground but just before she hit the ground another explosion would send her up until she got frozen in place and the Zigzag pattern would start again while at the same time her body was going toward Serena.
This was happening so fast and frequently Alexis could not think let alone defend herself.
At last, Serene threw five combustion potions at Alexis and she is sent flying upright toward Serena facing her. Serena uppercuts Alexis's jaw and it locks shut while blood and teeth fly out of her mouth. Before Alexis could fall Serene grabs her by the neck and punches her on the nose and Alexis humps in pain. Serene then punches her twice more then five times more in quick succession until Alexis's jaw falls limp. When it does Serena jams a freezing position into Alexis's mouth and upper cuts Alexis with her palm. The glass shatters and shards stub every inch of her mouth; the largest one pinned her tongue to the bottom of her mouth as it went down through her lower jaw and the point pierced her chin. Alexis's whole body froze and Serene punched her hard enough to shatter the ice and send Alexis back about 7 feet.
Alexis lands and can feel all the glass in and around her mouth and she can't even move her mouth. She screams in agony, she mumbles and cries as she touches her face
Before she could even process all the pain Serene warps the end of a wipe around Alexis's neck and she is dragged back quickly with her back against the ground. Her back is severely scratched before Alexis is thrown into a car that caves in upon impact. Serene then swings Alexis in a circle and crashes her face through a lump post and then through the length of a school bus. Serene then jumps up and swings Alexis in a circle first over her then down into the ground and her face is dragged across the ground. Senere then swings her in a circle three times diagonal, horizontally, diagonal, and finally off her and throws her toward the ground and releases her whip. Alexis lands at Serena's feet back first then Serena with all her might stomps on Alexis's chest and the ground around Alexis shutter from the force.
It sings of Death
Fantasía"NO!!!!! You have no idea, do you!!!? Do you!!!? You have absolutely no idea what it's like to have your heart pounding every time you wake up!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!! It's not fair". Bic for long as he can remember has been tormented by horrific dream...