3. Fox's origin-pt 3 (REWRITTEN)

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Bakugo didn't know what to do, Fox hasn't shown up in a week.

Normally he wouldn't be worried because Fox does go missing for days at a time but he always found a way to make sure Bakugo knew he wasn't actually missing, just stuck at home doing whatever. This time however Bakugo hasn't seen or heard anything, Hes really starting to worry that the 'yellow haired man' kidnapped Fox.

For now, Bakugo just needs to wait and see.


The loud banana guy did indeed kidnap Fox.

After Fox revealed he was ten to the kidnapper and also revealed what caused the wound on his eye, banana man basically forced him into his car.

Well, that's not exactly how it happened...

"im ten."

Mic paused for a second but continued cleaning the boys wound. "...your ten? Do your parents know you sneak out late or do they even know your a vigilante? Y'know you need to explain the wound right?"

Fox sighed and quietly muttered "Mama couldn't care less about what i do guess...she forced me out the house to have men over. I think that's why i wanna be a hero, for people like me. I've been doing the sneaking out since i was eight and before you started chasing me but there was this homeless guy that tried to chase me too. Plus mama already knows about my eye, she did it."

Mic thought the information over and took a deep breath "I'm not a kidnapper kid and don't say that's what kidnappers say either. All this time I've been 'chasing' you, I've really just been trying to help you. I didn't want a kid out on the street fighting petty criminals or villain's way bigger than them and i didn't want you getting hurt, i still don't want you to get hurt. I'm not telling you to trust me kid, i just want you safe."

Fox's ears twitched. He knows its dangerous but the banana guy is the only person he can talk to right now. He didn't want to worry Bakugo anymore than he has and he just didn't want to burden his best friend.

Fox slowly started tearing up again "I...I don't know where to go. I've tried running away before but Mama found me and-and she hurt me a lot. Now she just told me not-not to come back and I'm used to staying out late at night but what do i do in the morning? I-I don't have money either and its not like i can get a job, I'm ten for fucks sake!" at the end of his sentence Fox was sobbing and it made his eye sting even more.

Mic finished putting the bandage over his eye and brought him in for a hug. He let the kid sob on his shoulder. After awhile he stopped crying and just kept his head on Mics shoulder. Mic thought for a moment before speaking.

"I have a spare bedroom. I can let you sleep there tonight and we can figure out what to do in the morning? I get it if you don't trust me enough but i just want you to have a safe place to sleep." Fox was still for a moment but then slowly nodded his head, he knows he shouldn't but the offer was too tempting not to take.

"I haven't told you but...my name is Fox."

Mic quietly chuckled "You can call me Hizashi."


Fox was sitting in Hizashis spare room in oversized clothes that Hizashi lent him.

When Fox walked into Hizashis house there was a lot of photos of him with the homeless guy that used to chase him. That probably should've been his first sign to leave.

Little fox? {Bakugo Katsuki x Male Oc}Where stories live. Discover now