Chapter1: sky people return and mountain cave camp

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Jeteyam: "Neteyam get the Lo'ak Kiri and Tuk it's time to go to bed"
Neteyam: "okay I'll get them" *gets Lo'ak and the others*
They went to sleep but Jeteyam stayed awake to keep watch when he saw a bright light in the sky
Jake: *looking at the stars when he noticed a bright light coming in fast moves up* ["that only means one thing the sky people are coming"]
Neytiri: *wakes up and see the same bright lights*
Time skip to when the forest is on fire
Jeteyam: *looks around and see the forest on fire crying*
Jake: *runs to get the kids* "Jeteyam where are your siblings?!"
Jeteyam: " I got them out of the hut in time they should be over there" said that while pointing at the direction
Jake: "alright" *goes to the direction and see them* "kids are you alright?!"
All the kids: "yeah dad we okay thanks to Jeteyam"
Neteyam: "is Jeteyam okay?"
Jake: "Yes he's okay"
Jeteyam: "let's get shelter at the mountain camp"
Jake: "good idea let's go"
Time skip to 2167
Jeteyam: *sharpening his knives and cleaning his gun  barrows*
Jake: "Jeteyam are you done cleaning your weapons?"
Jeteyam: "yeah almost done dad"
Jake: [Jeteyam you need to rest] *leaves*
Jeteyam: "done" *goes to the training ground* "hey dad where are Neteyam and Lo'ak aren't they suppose to be training with us"
Jake: "that's right they should be here soon we were just waiting for you"
Neteyam&Lo'ak: "you're here now let's start"
Jeteyam: "alright!"

Jeteyam: "Neteyam get the Lo'ak Kiri and Tuk it's time to go to bed" Neteyam: "okay I'll get them" *gets Lo'ak and the others* They went to sleep but Jeteyam stayed awake to keep watch when he saw a bright light in the sky Jake: *looking at the st...

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After the training

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After the training

Jake: "you all did great now who hungry!"
Jeteyam: "me!"
Neteyam: "me!"
Lo'ak: "me!"
Jake: "alright let's go"
After they ate and getting ready for sleep
Jeteyam:*getting ready for bed but heard Lo'ak whimpering you turn and see him crying and has injuries* "What happened Lo'ak!?"*said that as you went to him*
Lo'ak: I got bullied by some kids again and they beat me up
Jeteyam:*hugs him insistently* "okay tomorrow morning we are going to the training ground and I'm going to teach you how to fight but for now rest"*as you said you were finished patching up his wounds*
Lo'ak:*nods and goes to sleep*
Jeteyam:*goes to sleep as well*
After train raid(skipping because I can)
Jake: "get here both of you!(Lo'ak and Neteyam) you're supposed to be spotters. You spot bogeys, and you call them in. From a Distance!"
Jeteyam: you were cleaning your weapons even though you didn't go with the war party then you heard yelling so you went to check who was yelling and saw that the war party was back but your father yelling at your Neteyam and Lo'ak you went and stood next to your mother "Father what did they do?
Jake: was lecturing  Neteyam and Lo'ak when Jeteyam asked "what did they do?" "They went to the ground even though the order was not to go on the ground" "oh...."
Jeteyam: I look at them your father walked away not before grounding Lo'ak "what did Lo'ak do this time well I know what happened but what was interesting about it?"
Neteyam: Lo'ak decided to go against father order but went anyway I went after him
Jeteyam: I look at Lo'ak "Lo'ak listen to us we know what best for you but anything out of hunting going out with the war party you can choose what to do and what not we only want you safe okay don't be reckless you can get yourself and others killed" You said while walking him to the healer marui
After taking care of the wounded Jeteyam decided to take Lo'ak bullying into his hands
Jeteyam: *walks over to Lo'ak bullies that Lo'ak told him about* "I heard that you been bullying Lo'ak?"*says that in a angry tone*
Na'vi kid1: "what if  we did"
Jeteyam: *knocked all three of them out then walks away*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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