Oops Eeps

714 13 25

They didn't talk after that. The end.


I just noticed how long it's been since I last spoke with Tomioka... About 3 months maybe? 
That's.. uncomfortable? I guess I just don't feel right about that since we became friends.

I know I shouldn't have a problem with it, I mean, I've been spending all this time with Kanroji, and we're a lot closer now.. But I suppose I feel bad for Tomioka. I don't think he has any other friends. How would he feel about the lack of communication? How does he feel?

...I need to stop second-guessing myself. He'll be fine. He always was before.. I'm sure of that.


Iguro stopped talking to me.. Did I piss him off again? Why didn't he say anything about it then? He never usually would stay silent if he was upset.

I'm probably overthinking this right now. I just need to calm down. We're hashira, after all. He's probably just busy with missions and such. Maybe staying with Kanroji.... Huh. I never felt so gross thinking about that.

Am I... jealous?


"Gah?! ... Shinazugawa?"

"Holy fucking hell finally you're out of your god damn trance! The meeting is over!"

"I-is it? I didn't notice.."

"Yeah that's pretty damn obvious. Are you gonna get up or not?"

"R-right.. I didn't even notice there was a meeting going on."

"Hah?? Do you even remember coming here?"

Tomioka stopped and thought. When did he even get a message?

"Uh no.. I was thinking about I-.. someone I haven't seen in a bit."

"Eh? Ooh~ could it be that Tomioka has a crush~??"

"O-of course not.. What makes you think that?"

"Oh come on! You're so obvious! You never react to anything with visible emotion but now you're stuttering and red as freshly spilled blood! Sooo, tell me who!"

What a nuisance... Why does he even want to know..

"Why do you care? You're also not acting like you usually do. Are you hoping this crush of mine is you?"

"What's it to ya? Do you want me to think that way?" Shinazugawa said, walking closer to Tomioka with a smirk.

Ok.. no way he's serious right? Just messing around? I like Iguro more... but Iguro likes Kanroji, so why should I pursue him? Shinazugawa is still my type..

"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. Depends on whether or not you like me, and by the looks of it, you probably do."

In just a few quick moments, the distance between the two had dissipated. Shinazugawa laid a hand against Tomioka's face and leaned in, Tomioka's eyes fluttering shut.

FYI, I was consuming vocabulary from other fics, but I needed to be unique also, hence the weird.


Am I.. really seeing this? Tomioka with ... Shinazugawa? There's no way.. It can't be possible...

"Iguro~san! What are you doing here still?"

"..It's nothing, Kanroji. Let's just-"

"Kyaaaaa!! Is that Tomioka and Shinazugawa~san?? Kissing?! Kawaii!"

"Seriously? Now they know we're here!"

"Oi! Quit staring will you?"

"Sorry guys! Ah, how embarrassing.."

"Let's go now, Kanroji."

Wdym this is an obagiyuu story? Obviously it's a Sanegiyuu and Obamitsu story 🙄 😒 😑 (but also I love all three ships so this is for me and the rest of you-

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