Part 2: The Worries

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The next day, Arcdawn sat comfortably in a sunbeam that peaked it's way through the thick canopy of the surrounding trees, enjoying the warmth it had on her pelt. Her mood however, was rather sour. She glared at Oakfoot from across the camp who was chatting briefly with Wisteriastar. How could he make her a medicine cat so soon! Sure, she liked her new name. But she didn't nearly feel ready to treat a patient on her own. And surely Oakfoot would expect her to once the time came.

She prayed it wouldnt be anytime soon.


She looked up, Hazelfreckle, the clan deputy stood before her, looking down to the younger cat.

"You look like your tail's been stepped on by a badger." He continued a small amused grin playing on his lips.

"Yeah I kinda feel like it." Arcdawn grumbled the thought slipping out uncontrollably. Her face burned with embarassment.

Hazelfreckle sat down beside her taking on a more empathetic expression.

"Want to talk about it?"

"I don't know it's just- I feel like I was given my name too early."

Arcdawn mentally cursed herself. Why was she talking about this with the deputy of all cats?

"Hm." Hazelfreckle hummed. "What makes you say that?"

Arcdawn looked at him in astonishment. "What doesn't? I hardly remember all the herbs and uses- I just feel like I need more training. She explained, her eyes tilting toward the sky.

"But you know all there is to know." Hazelfreckle pointed out.

"Maybe- but I haven't had much practice other than scraped or sore paw pads. Anything serious Oakfoot handled during the journey." She said, her memories taking her back. Everyone including herself had aching and sore paw pads from the rough terrain at some point. She couldn't point out a single instance of caring for them as she realized they all blurred together in her memory.

"Perhaps not, but do you really think Oakfoot would leave you to struggle?"

"Well no-" She took a moment to think, struggling to describe her worries. "but what if something happens where I need to be on my own?"

"Think about those times where there was something serious going on. Did Oakfoot talk you through those incidents?" Hazelfreckle asked urging her to continue.

"...Yes. But I still never got to do anything myself. I just wish he'd have asked me if I was ready."

Hazelfreckle was silent for a few moments before nodding slowly.

"It's a lot of pressure to be on your own so suddenly and without preparation."

And there it was. The words she had so much trouble finding. Hazelfreckle laid them all down like it was nothing.

"Yes it is." She sighed, feeling relieved she finally had someone to talk to.

This was why Hazelfreckle was the clan deputy. She realized.

"I feel... Better. Thanks Hazelfreckle.

"Good, I'm glad I could help." He smiled, standing up. "I've got duties to get back to, but if you want to talk again later I'm here to lend an ear."

Arcdawn sighed as he walked away. Finally allowing herself to enjoy the warmth of the sunbeam.

Hazelfreckle's POV

Hazelfreckle's eyebrows scrunched together as he processed the information he had just learned. Arcdawn had a point, she had expected to have more time to simply, make mistakes only to have it taken away.

Internally, he knew she was ready, and would be a fantastic medicine cat, but he understood her fears.

Now that made him wonder. What about Crookedbite? Was she having similar feelings?

He turned, scanning the camp befote he found the cat he was looking for. He strode in the direction of Crookedbite who was laying on the ground, eating a mouse. Nearby, Hopetree and Crabfeather were playfully sparring each other.

He then had a realization. Crookedbite was a prideful cat, and would never admit to HIM how she was feeling, if it was similar to Arcdawn. The gears turned in his head as he pondered a solution. His eyes drifted toward the two warriors. And then he had an idea.

"Hopetree! Can I talk to you for a second?" He called out to the golden she cat.

She looked up, stopping what she was doing and wandering over

"What do you want Hazelfreckle?" The statement was cold, but not laced with malice.

"I have a task for you."

Hopetree crossed her paws, looking slightly annoyed.

"Ok. What is it?"

"I want you to ask Crookedbite to join you. I was talking with Arcdawn and well, shes not super happy with being a full medicine cat. She feels like it was too soon. I wanted to figure out if Crookedbite was feeling similarly."

"Hmm." She looked up, considering the request for a moment. "I suppose I can do that."

"Great! Thank you!"

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