5: Vertically Challenged

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After the stressful night that was Lucinda's arrival, things have died down a lot since then. Tensions were still high amongst Lord Aphmau and her guards, whether the threat of O'khasis invading was linked to Cecelia or not.

She could tell it was on everybody's minds, how could it not be? If Zane didn't like something about this village, especially the fact that Garroth lives here, then It makes sense why people would be scared of O'khasis.

Thankfully Cecelia was still able to befriend many of the townsfolk. She thinks that after a few days straight of joining Garroth on his rounds was starting to make a difference. She was almost fully acquainted with everybody in town, and now knew the village layout like the back of her hand.

With Garroth as her steady shield, people were beginning to trust the idea that she was just a regular person trying to find her place. And Irene was Cecelia endlessly thankful for that.

Once again, Cecelia accompanied Garroth on his usual rounds, starting in the plaza. Upon their arrival, Cecelia noticed a face she'd never seen before.

It was a lady, with wavy golden hair that stopped halfway down her back. She wore a short-sleeved forest green shirt, shorts, and boots. Overall she seemed like a regular townsperson, but what stood out most notably was her elven ears and magical aura.

So this must be the barrier magicks user Cecelia has heard so much about.

"Ah, Zoey! It's been a while since I've seen you around town. May I have a word with you for a moment?" Garroth politely asked, pulling her from her shopping.

"Oh, of course, Garroth, what's the matter?" She asked before catching sight of Cecelia.

"Ah, Garroth you should've told me we had a visitor! Hello sweetheart, I'm Zoey." She introduced, holding her hand out to shake. Cecelia was pleasantly surprised by the sudden kindness.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Zoey. I'm Cecelia." She replied, shaking her hand. "You must be the barrier magicks user Kawaii~Chan and Kiki told me about."

"Yes, I am indeed! You must be the new presence I sensed a few weeks ago, correct?" She asked, to which Cecelia nodded in confirmation.

"You'd be right! I specialise in pocket dimension magicks." She explained, gesturing to the cape that hung behind her. Zoey's eyes lit up with interest at the mention.

"Oh, that must come in very useful," She commented. "I could sure use that seeing how many groceries I have to carry up the hill, haha!" Zoey joked, holding up the basket in her hands that was filled with fresh fruits and vegetables.

"But I digress. So sorry I haven't had the chance to meet you sooner, Aphmau's kids keep me so busy that I hardly get a moment to myself!" The elf laughed to herself, a bright smile stretching across her rosy cheeks.

"Oh?" Cecelia muttered in surprise, completely unaware of the fact that Lord Aphmau had children up until now. It wasn't any of Cecelia's business, but it was interesting to learn.

"Ah, speaking of the little ones, whereabouts are they?" Garroth asked, looking up toward the purple house in the distance, then back at Zoey.

"Oh! Aphmau decided to take Levin and Malachi out for the day to build a treehouse! Isn't that adorable?" Zoey giggled in delight. Cecelia could understand why Aphmau would choose somebody like Zoey to be a caretaker, she had a very optimistic and positively contagious aura to her.

"Last I saw Aphmau was when I gave her a sapling for the tree, she headed off in that direction." Zoey directed, pointing Garroth and Cecelia in the direction of the treehouse, which just so happened to be the exact place where a humongous tree stood. The tree's trunk stretched upward so high that Cecelia was convinced that it touched the clouds.

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