4: Warm Welcomes and Bold Accusations

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After hours of sleeping on the uncomfortable bench Cecelia called a bed, she sat up to stretch. It had only been a few days with nothing but a pillow and a blanket that only just covered her height. Prison sucks.

"Mornin' Dale, what's on the menu this morning?" Cecelia yawned, sitting up to greet the guard but instead was met with a new face. It was another one of the Phoenix Drop guards from the night before, the blue-haired one.

"Huh... You're not Dale." She stated, eyeing the breakfast tray in his hands.

"Uhh- My name is Dante, I was ordered to bring you your food." He introduced, sliding the tray through the prison door for her to take. It was just the usual sandwich and a glass of water.

"Ah, my beloved breakfast sandwich!" Cecelia exclaimed, standing up to grab the tray before taking her original place on the bench. The sandwich had been nothing special, just jam, but it was filling nonetheless.

"What happened to Dale? Did he get sick of me or something?" She asked in an amused manner, she honestly wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

"I am not to disclose any personal information," Dante answered, sounding like he was reading off a guard manual. It was obvious from his mannerisms and tone of voice that he was likely new to being a guard.

Regardless, Cecelia scoffed down her breakfast as per usual down to every last crumb. She knows that she's being held prisoner, but she felt like she's been well-behaved to at least be given an extra apple or something...

While now sipping on the glass of water, Dante cleared his throat to speak. "I am also here to inform you that Lord Aphmau will be stopping by later to question you."

Ah, so Cecelia would be meeting the legendary Lord Aphmau herself today? What a delight.

After she was finished with her morning meal, Dante left with the dishes, leaving Cecelia to her own devices until Lord Aphmau arrived. The cell was just about as interesting as one could imagine after days of being locked away, and despite its cold temperatures and general gloomy atmosphere, it was strangely peaceful.

A soft golden hue seeped in through the small window above her head, casting a box of light onto the cell floor. Cecelia could hear the wind blowing softly through the trees that surrounded the guard station as well as birds chirping in the distance.

Resting the thin blanket over her legs, Cecelia took some time to wake up properly before the interrogation. Cecelia took this moment of silence to wonder what Lord Aphmau was like. She must be a good lord if Garroth decided to settle here. She hoped she was a good lord, Irene knows Cecelia couldn't handle another Lord such as Garte...

All she hoped for was that she could convince the Lord that she was no threat and to be released from this prison. Cecelia spent the past years dedicated to finding Garroth, as well as preparing herself with the skills and money to leave. She did not spend so much time of her life trying to find him only to talk to him from behind bars.

Fortunately, Cecelia was one step closer to her possible freedom as she heard footsteps approaching. The clinking metal boots were a dead giveaway to just about any guard, as well as the feminine mumbles that grew louder by the second.

A moment later two people entered the building, Garroth and who Cecelia could only assume was Lord Aphmau.

She was a woman of short stature with long raven black hair, caramel eyes, and a tan complexion. She adorned a corset wrapped around her long lavender dress that was both formal yet casual, topped off with a pink flower crown.

Cecelia was relieved to see just how casual and sweet she appeared to be, and any stress she once felt toward this interrogation melted away, albeit not entirely. But if her bright smile and optimism were anything to go by, then Cecelia could safely say that things are going to be just fine.

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