10: Everything Stays

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Both of us creators weren't very happy with the POV so we changed it to be 2nd POV instead, so sorry for the confusion if you were here before the edit.

Also, we did rewrite a decent amount of previous chapters. Some things didn't make sense or we didn't like so those were fixed. So if you want to reread the book to understand it better, feel free to do so!


As the villagers of Meteli and Phoenix Drop evacuated to safety, the ships of the alliance allies made ready to dock. They held the armies of Pikoro, Bright Port, and Southern Wolf Tribe.

Upon their arrival, Lord Aphmau thanked them endlessly for their contribution to the war that was about to come and directed them to Kiki's barn.

In the time everybody was gone, Kiki's barn had become less of temporary living quarters and more of a base of operations. Blacksmiths were hard at work preparing and sharpening blades, guards were sparring with one another to hone their skills, and whoever wasn't training was either eating or resting.

Once all of the guards and warriors from their respective villages were gathered, everybody was pulled together for a meeting. Battle plans were being arranged while the few remaining parties were travelling, but now it was time for the announcement to be made.

Lord Aphmau took her place on the makeshift stage, gathered the attention of everybody, and spoke.

"I am Lord Aphmau of Phoenix Drop. With me are the noble leaders of the villages present today," Aphmau introduced, extending an arm to gesture towards the line of leaders that stood beside her. "Hayden, Lord of Meteli. Azura, guard and substitute Lord of Bright Port. Bodolf, alpha of the Southern wolf tribe, and Luke, Lord of Pikoro Village."

"For years, we've stood our own ground, but with the formation of the Phoenix Alliance, we stand as one. This will be the first battle we fight as brothers and sisters." Aphmau gestured to the crowd of guards who looked up to her with respect.

"A–And for that... I want to thank you. I want to thank you all for being here no matter what." She stuttered, breaking her role as leader for a brief moment. You could truly see how her gratitude for each and every person's help shined in her glossy eyes.

Regardless of how emotional she felt toward the situation, she pulled herself back onto course. "Know that Phoenix Drop will never forget your bravery this day. The lords and I have devised a plan of defence as well as a plan of attack. We are going to defend the walls as much as possible."

"However, this is a chance that our defence won't last long... In which case, we will switch to offensive tactics. Azura and the other leaders will go through a battle strategy with you all later tonight. And please... When you can, find the means to sleep. Scaleswind, along with the aid of O'khasis, will be more than a challenge to fight. But together we can end this reign of fear, from their armies." Lord Aphmau concluded her speech, nodding her head in thanks before stepping back in line with the other leaders.

After a short while, Lord Aphmau excused herself from the stage, returning to her home. Azura stepped up to start giving out battle strategies to the guards. Delegating certain guards to different lines of defence and attack, positioning them at certain points around Phoenix Drop and such.

This continued long into the night. After the strategizing concluded, most guards went to sleep, while others stayed up for a while longer to train.

Normally there'd be some small moments to hang out with one another, throwing some casual banter around during the spare moments they had, but there were no chances for that anymore. There was no time for humour when every second of rest and training was so precious to them.

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