How Nostalgic

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-Mentions of psychological abuse

I will say this again. Please keep in mind these are ideas and chapters this will be updated. No separated chapters just the whole unfinished stories in one chapter. Please move on with another story if this is too much. More chapters are coming soon though!

Side Note: Don't mind those notes I just left them there for the sake of you guys to read them. After the words saying chapter two in this silly little chapter there will be no more notes like those. Anyways there a little bit of Kyouka angst and Atsushi being a stupid asshole in this fanfic.


Beginning Notes: Sorry I still wrote this at night lol and I'm currently editing during the day too. I might pull another late sleep night to write another chapter probably about the past the the the 5 years later shit I planned out.


Dazai Osamu found himself in front of the same bar he went to often when he was younger. He was tailing Atsushi, a boy with a tiger ability and who seems to have anger issues that reminded him of Chuuya. Too close he resembles Chuuya Nakahara his former partner to clothing style and personality. It made him shiver just thinking about it.

As Dazai entered the bar he looked around for Atsushi, he spotted the 16 year old on the counter near a man with black hair and white tips? He thinks they are white tips at least.

He notices that they are talking to each other and drinking together like they knew each other closely. Dazai takes a step and walks up to the duo.

"Atsushi-kun why are you here?" Dazai asks making the smaller man jump along with the black haired man jump too. "Dazai-san? Why are you here?" Atsushi asked slurring his words a little.

"Hello Dazai-san! Nice to see you again," the black hair man spoke. Dazai may have jumped a little bit. He looked at the man in the black attire and recognized the face. . .

Akutagawa Ryuunosuke . . .

Akutagawa Ryuunosuke the boy who he used to be a mentor to. Dazai was shocked at the man's change to appearance and personality. He notices that he grew out his bangs to fit a messy hair cut and that his clothing choice was similar to his old mafia attire. . .too similar.

"Oi Dazai! Can you do me a favor?" Atsushi asked still a bit slurred, "By the way waste of bandages I accept your proposal," Dazai was confused and pointed to himself, "Me bandages?"

"Fucking dumbass Dazai, you still haven't answered my question of you doing me a favor."

Dazai was stunned at the boy's sudden language but an "Ooh" could be heard from the brunette. "So you meant him!" Dazai finally seems to realize. "Oh Atsushi sure I can do you a favor I guess."

"Good then can you do the resignation letters for me?" Atsushi asked. Dazai eyes widen in shock while Akutagawa eyes seem to gleam which was usual for Dazai to see, as he remembers the dull ones.

"Then what about Kyouka? Also why after just 4 months of joining too? Isn't that too early?" Dazai questioned the boy. "Let Kyouka have the whole apartment to herself, she is a big girl she can handle herself and the second I can't answer to be honest." Atsushi replied, Dazai was puzzled.

(AN: Sorry I know an Author's note here is weird and all but LIOA Atsushi that's a fucking 12 year old child you shit head. Sorry now please continue on reading please)

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