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I stood at my easel in the study painting while Bruce jotted down what he would speak once we got to Wayne Enterprises. "they called to confirm, your both meeting with the board tomorrow Alfred told us. "excellent "yes indeed Bruce agreed, "I still think it's reckless, terrible idea, and all around un needed he told us me and my brother didn't answer him because we need to do this. "well I've said my piece just don't come crying to me when we're all dead in a ditch Alfred added and laid a file down on the desk. I walked over to Bruce and he revealed it to me as we read it over we looked to Alfred this was very important. We both got ready for the meeting today, Dressing in our formal attires best fitting to be taken some what seriously. Alfred saluted to us and we saluted back at him he smiled proudly closed mouth, "are you ready sister Bruce asked me we smiled "I'm always ready. Arriving at Wayne Enterprises we walked into the board meeting room everyone sat down at the long table and me and my brother stood together at the end of it all eyes glued on us. "good morning everyone Bruce told them "good morning Bruce, Madelina a man told us then the other followed him saying the same thing. "welcome too Wayne Enterprises we are to happy your both here another woman told us smiling. "Thank you for meeting me and my sister Bruce told them, "my sister and I have some questions about Wayne enterprises business affairs Bruce told them "of course it is both your company after all fire away young man and woman a man said to us. Bruce looked at me, "we have two main areas of concern Bruce began. "underworld revilement of the Arkham project and chemical Weids manufacture at our wells isle in phalli the board fell silent at my brothers words. "we can only conclude that highly individuals or groups within Wayne Enterprises have included in pollution, bribery, racketeering, and unethical medical research they stayed silent then a man spoke up "thank you for the input both of you I'm so sorry if either of you have been alarmed or upset by this shocking stories and rumors you both have been exposed to he told us. "these are not just rumors Bruce told him, "we'll look into them Thurley and carefully of course but Bruce, Madelina let's be fair you both have told us nothing with substance or proof behind it the man stated. "we have not told you all we know Bruce told him "no what else do you both know he asked. "I do hope you do look into it more into these issues because me and my brother will be showing them in our next share holders meeting with a possible legal action "dear me.. legal action these are all very deep waters for two such young man and woman the woman told us. "our youth is not relevant except if I were a man and my sister was a woman we would both be chairing this board and we would be sure that Wayne Enterprises was run honestly... we thank you for your time Bruce told them as we stood back up Alfred pulling out our chairs for us. Me and Bruce left we smiled "that was.... Bruce trailed off, "riveting and Exhilarating Bruce smiled at my addition to his thoughts. "yeah we are a pretty good team he said victoriously we both smiled and fist pumped. Alfred's friend Mr. Payne stayed with us a few days but it ended terribly, We found Alfred with a stab wound and his old friend no where to be found. Alfred is better but we're with him at the hospital. "slim pickings at the cafeteria I brought you both bagels Jim told us "thank you we both told him. "but nothing for the invalided Alfred joked "sorry Jim smiled "hospital food only Doctors orders how you feeling he asked. "could be worse slight puncture leaked a bit Alfred stated, "so I know last night was a bit of a blur but do you have any idea who did this Jim asked him. "it was... Alfred cut him off "dark it was very dark saw a shadow then... my two saviors Bruce, and Lina were leaning over me Alfred said telling a complete lie Jim looked at me and my brother we didn't say anything. "did you two get a look at the guy Jim asked us "no we both told him together I looked at Bruce who gave me a look back. "sorry it's my captain Jim apologized for the phone call "don't be Detective just go Alfred told him understanding "no it's fine I'll stay Jim replied. "I thank you Detective for staying with Bruce, and Lina but as you can see I'm perfectly fine Alfred explained "alright see you three soon Jim told us. "thank you for coming Bruce told him Jim placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded then looked at me. We smiled to each other and he gave my arm a slight squeeze caringly before he left. "why not tell him the truth Bruce asked him, "well believe it or not Mistress Lina Reggy is a mate and you don't set cartages on your mates do you Alfred stated "but he nearly killed you "I know that bastard but anyone sorts him out it's me nobody else can be right Alfred replied. "why would he stab you "that's a bloody good question one, I mean to find out cause as long as that bloody lunatic is on the loose the harder it's going to be to find him Alfred told us taking off his monitors and standing he was grunting in pain though. "get back into bed Alfred "I'm alright just pass me that bag he stated. "we said get back in bed.. that's an order Bruce told him as well Alfred looked from him to me defeated and got back into the bed. Bruce sat back next to me "what's the inspiration for this he asked me staring to my sketchbook it was a sketch of the poster I seen in Gotham of a circus the Flying Greyson's I smiled "Circus folk look so strange I think we'd fit in don't you think Bruce chuckled at that. "you have many talents little sister don't let anyone take any of them away from you Bruce told me we smiled to each other "what do we do about Alfred Bruce looked at sleeping Alfred. "he is going to try to find Mr. Payne we need to talk him out of it Bruce replied I nodded agreeing. Selena met us at the hospital we spoke of what had happened and explained it to her. But of course the two of them ended things with a bicker "I'll see you around M she told me and left the room Bruce huffed agitated with her. "why is she so stubborn he asked "the same reasons I am he smiled at that. "at least your able to control your stubbornness Selena needs to learn he pointed out "you both like one another to much he flushed "I, I do not he said not confident I smiled "what he asked then poked my side making me laugh which made him laugh. We're home now, Alfred still needs to take it easy for a bit. He still wants to go after his friend alone. "you two lied about who stabbed him Jim told us he came over to speak to us, "is that why you came Bruce asked. "listen if the two of you have anything on this person you both need to let me know he explained to us. "we have no idea we wish we could help you Detective Jim exhaled hating the fact we were lying to him. "listen both of you, if Alfred is going after this person alone you two need to stay out of it Jim warned us we looked at him. "we understand you Detective Bruce told him Jim nodded and looked to me, "we do he nodded again a bit more relieved. Bruce looked to me we both shared the same look. Alfred had to go back into the hospital due to his stiches ripping, "come with me Bruce told me. "what is your plan. "Alfred is going to get himself hurt maybe even killed I think we should go and find Mr. Payne ourselves Bruce whispered to me. I nodded, "okay.. I'm in he smiled pleased. We first went to a gun range in Gotham but no luck on him being there. We then met Selena near an ally way not far from it, "what's up she asked us. "Reggy Payne the man who stabbed Alfred he's in Gotham she nodded. "and you two need my help to find him okay she agreed Bruce then handed her the paper with his information on it. "Alfred said he'd be at a gun range for a few days Bruce told her she read it over. "but we've checked all of them in the city yet nothing "who stays at a gun range for a few days Selena asked we thought the same thing. "it doesn't make any sense, she nodded agreeing with me, "that's what he said he said Reggy would be at a shooting gallery Bruce pointed out. "Shooting Gallery Bruce nodded me and Selena smiled "what he asked confused he smiled though. "that isn't the same bother "yeah even your little sister knows the difference between a gun range and a shooting Gallery silly Selena told him hitting his arm playfully. "what is the difference he whispered to me, "this place isn't dealing with guns at all it's more like a shelter for the drug abused Bruce and I looked to each other and he smiled realizing he messed up. "well I guess I need to get out more he joked we both chuckled. We three made our way inside the building Selena knew exactly where it was, There were men and woman spread out in the building. Smoking, drinking and doing other things like substances using them harshly it wasn't a great atmosphere. "Kat Bruce said she stopped "that's Mr. Payne we found him lying on the ground with opened empty bottles around him. Selena shoved him roughly waking him he groaned, "relax old man we're not going to rob you Selena told him he looked at us. "what are you doing here he asked, "we came to talk to you Bruce told him. "who is she he asked implying Selena, "never mind who she is, who sent you to our home he looked from my brother to me I never spoke when he was at our house. "who sent me.. just go home, go home both of you you'll both be in more trouble than you two are already he warned us. Selena quickly grabbed his paper bag of who knows what, "hey he boomed "that's my medicine give me it he told her. "my friend's just asked you a question Selena told him firmly, "I said give me that he told her. "or you'll what huh she asked him walking off with it she held it out of a window. "hey, don't he yelled, "answer my sister's question Bruce told him loudly. "listen I didn't mean any harm I was just suppose to take come documents but Alfred walked in.. is he alright he explained then asked. Bruce looked to me, "is he, he asked again. "you stabbed him Bruce stated, "why would you care "I care he's alright isn't he, he asked looking at me now for an answer. "who sent you no reply "throw them out Bruce called to Selena "no Mr. Payne yelled out making her stop. "tell us who sent you Bruce told him, "who sent you I spoke confident "you two shouldn't be doing this only Alphie can deal with these people he warned us. "what people Bruce asked him, "A woman named Mathis and Cope Bunder's law he's the guy I delt with but you both have to let Alphie take care of this not you two it's no business for a child you wouldn't bring your baby sister along Mr. Payne stated. "my sister is more than capable of doing as she pleases as if it's any of your business Bruce told him "this man Bunder's Law.. what did he want "just to know what the two of you knew just to see how far your investigation's have gone but he was scared and that's why he sent me.. now can I have my bag back please he explained then asked again. Bruce looked at me "give it back to him Bruce told Selena she stuck it back in her hands and he got up. We followed but we were not going to let him off this easy. Selena instead dropped then out of the window. "you your a sick man Mr. Payne you need help "for a young girl you have a way with words little one he spoke darkly, "don't either of you patronize me let me have my cases but yeah I'm a professional.. you two want me to tell Bunder's Law your both onto him because he'll come you Bruce, and your sister because there is nothing that you can do to stop him he spat at my brother pointing his finger in his face. "just silly little children I'm going to tell on all of you he warned facing Selena then he leaned out of the window to grab his bag. I noticed the look on Bruce's face he wanted so badly to push him out of that window. But he stopped and looked at me he held my hand instead staying calm "no you won't Selena said out loud and instead she shoved him out of it. She looked at us both and walked off. Bruce looked at me and we walked to the window and looked down out of it his body lay at the bottom of the three story building. I buried my head in my brothers chest as he held me what just happened.

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