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By Morning still no power, "I'll light these candles Bruce said "and I'll light these. "good thinking I'll go downstairs and see if there is any power left in that old generator Alfred told us going off to do that. I sat some candles down on our desk and opened a box of matches when the phone rang. Bruce and I then shot up and looked at each other uneased by that. Alfred walked back in, "who is calling at this hour he asked us walking to the phone he slowly picked it up to answer it until he stopped, "Alfred Bruce said Alfed ushered us too both stay quiet. I took my brother's side but before anything could happen someone came out of the darkness hitting Alfred in the head. "Lina run Bruce told me, I did so hiding behind our wall where the fireplace is in the darkness yet I still watched. I then heard a laugh a very familiar laugh only one person I know can make. "ooo, my, my look how big you've gotten Jerome said to my brother. I felt my stomach slip at his voice I inhaled stepping closer to the side of the fireplace staying unseen by anyone in the room.
I slid my pocket knife into my pocket ready for it if needed, I knelt down to the floor watching as Jerome's follower's destroyed our study. "you okay Alfred Bruce asked him, "I'll be fine Master Bruce is... your sister safe I heard Alfred asked softly. Bruce looked over to me seeing me then he nodded, "she's fine Bruce told him. Alfred nodded, "nice place you got here.. you rent Jerome asked. "what do you want Bruce asked him, "attitude, teenager's am I right Jerome replied. "I asked you what you want Bruce spat at him upset. "right sorry the old noodle is still a little out date post the reason I'm here is because I'm going to kill you Jerome said. "why my brother asked him, "well it's the last thing I remember wanting to do it's been nagging at me since I woke up that and.... Jerome trailed off looking around. "where is she he then asked, Bruce looked pale. "who Bruce asked him, "I remember a girl she.. had a sort of fiery effect on her I liked her where is she Jerome asked pulling out a knife. Bruce said nothing and swallowed hard, "here she is Jerome one of his followers told him holding up a family photo Jerome lit up taking it in his hands. "yes here she is now where is she I know she's here Jerome stated looking around. "come out, come out where ever you are littlest Wayne or your brother will be gutted at my hand right here Jerome taunted. "Lina don't Bruce called out, "haha you said her name I knew she was here Jerome said grabbing my brother by the neck holding his knife to it. I stepped out then "let him go, His eyes met mine still his red hair fell back on his head his green eyes revealed through his tampered stapled face he grinned devilishly. "my, my you've grown as well he said looking me over. "let my brother go, Jerome chuckled. He then pushed Bruce away from him only to grab me by my arm. "don't touch her Bruce spat but was held back by one of Jerome's follower's. "the idea of slitting that pretty pink throat of his while you watch My Lina.. I figured that would clear the deck's what do you think huh Jerome explained as he pushed a strand of my hair back with the blade of his knife he smirked slightly watching me as I inhale his blade brushing my skin gently not making a dent in my skin. "why you little... Alfred said trying to get up but was also held back by a follower a gun aimed at him. "I remember that night Bruce began making Jerome turn his attention away from me back to him. "the night you took over the benefit you were quite the showman Bruce told him. "thank you always nice to be appreciated Jerome told him not taking his eyes off me, "and your just going to kill me here Bruce added. "it's kind of disappointing if you ask me. "agreed Bruce said, Jerome looked from him to me. "what do you mean he asked me inches from each other he looked me over and floated his hands around me like the maniac he is. "all the build up you coming back to life turning off all the light's in Gotham, "exactly killing me here doesn't show a lot of... Bruce trailed off. Jerome hopped onto our sofa, "flare Style hmm go on I can take it he said to us. "I'm Bruce Wayne my brother stated, "I am aware Jerome replied hopping back down he grabbed onto my wrist again. "we are the elite our company is the Gog that keeps Gotham running. "wow you talk so... breathtaking everything about you is just.. wow Jerome told me. "killing me should mean something and your telling us no one is going to see it Bruce yelled at him making Jerome look at him now. I exhaled feeling less tense but Jerome still had hold of me. Guns at the ready if we messed up we'd know it. "you two are saying I need an audience look I know your just trying to buy time too escape with your sweet sister.. but your point is still valid Jerome told my brother patting him on the shoulder. "saddle up boys we're taking this show on the road and I know just the spot Jerome told us, "and you my Lina will be front and center by my side at all times he told me never letting go of my wrist. Alfred stood up then, "eh, eh not you old chum the prince of Gotham deserves a public death their butler not so much kill him Jerome said. "no me and Bruce said, "Bruce, Lina this is what we've been training for the two of you will be alright on your own Alfred told us. "come on my little flower Jerome told me pulling me with him, He held his knife at Bruce's back. "I'll get you out of here Lina I promise Bruce told me, "don't make promises you can't keep Bruce and don't worry she'll be in good hands Jerome told him. "now come, come let's go he added poking Bruce in the back as he walked Jerome also pulling me with him by my wrist as I followed. They slid a black sack onto my brother's head as we got into Jerome's van. "let's go boy's we've got a show too make Jerome said. "you won't get away with this, He looked to me and smirked. "I always get what I want he warned me, "anything I want he added I then slid out my knife holding it to his neck he looked taken back but smirked enjoying this. "not this time Valeska I'm not one to mess with and that's a warning, He giggled darkly. "how old are you he asked leaning to me my knife digging slightly at his neck. "why do you care, He chuckled in his throat. "curiosity I'll go first I am seventeen or at least that's what I was when I was killed he told me "now your turn he said watching me for an answer "Fourteen, He chuckled then brushed his finger under my chin. "don't worry my Lina your safe with me I won't hurt ya he said I pulled back my knife and put it back into my pocket knowing I needed this to keep going on he smiled pleased closing the van door. "onward bound he called out making his followers cheer.
We got to a circus type monstrosity made of terrible horrid thing's innocent people being killed by Jerome's followers in the games. Bruce looked to me as soon as his sack was taken off his head. "are you okay he asked me I nodded, "I'm okay. "of course she's okay why wouldn't she be Jerome stated. "it's not like I would touch her I am a gentlemen I wouldn't do anything... unless she wanted to he said looking at me. "don't you dare Bruce told him trying to get to him but was held back at the arm. Bruce was let go then and he took my side hugging me, "I'll get you out of here he told me. "it's okay, "you hear that Big brother your little sister can handle herself from what I've seen it's better this way Jerome chuckled darkly. "your manic Jerome selfish arrogant pathetic person. He looked to me thinking then he smirked, "your pretty when your mad he told me. "stay away from my sister Jerome Bruce warned him stepping toward him. Jerome chuckled, "well we're off to a good start what do you two say want to have some fun before the main event Jerome asked us. Jerome took us too a face painting area where he sat Bruce down and had him put face paint on of a clown. "got to be honest Bruce you don't make the worlds funniest clown Jerome told him. Bruce looked to me, I felt terrible for my brother being torture like this. "but we can fix that he added holding a knife up to my brother, "Jerome he looked to me in the mirror and stopped. Then he stabbed the face painter in the stomach instead. Jerome then shoved his finger into the man's wound pulling out blood. "let's turn that frown upside down Jerome said rubbing the blood onto my brother's face. "and what about you my flower.. how do you feel about blood Jerome asked me, "what is wrong with it He smiled slightly. "do you get queasy you feel... afraid of it he asked, "fear is only a word give it no reason and it gives you nothing back. He took my wrist holding my hand up too his view seeing my scar he looked at me. "who did this he asked as if he was upset. "no one worth knowing he's dead, "good he said letting me go he took off his glove. "take out your knife he told me. I looked at my brother who nodded to me, I took it out of my pocket and opened it. Jerome smirked enjoying this, "do it he told me holding his hand to me. "your crazy, he chuckled. "yes I am and I want to feel how it felt when he hurt you or I can make my men kill each other your choice he told me. "stop it Jerome Bruce told him, "she can do it it's just me I believe I'm her new enemy he joked giggling. I then sliced his hand blood seeped through it as it was deep he winced but chuckled happily and looked to me now serious. "your perfect then he grew excited. "now one more thing he said, He took his finger and slid it on his blood getting some on his finger he smiled. "my mark he said wiping it onto the side of my neck I inhaled at the sudden of it the blood warm on my skin I felt so upset by this. I disliked Jerome before it hasn't changed he is still the same if not worse. "stop it don't touch her Bruce yelled at him standing but Jerome's guys pointed their guns at him surrounding him. Jerome smiled at me pleased. "now onward we go Jerome said grabbing my wrist again we were lead deeper into the circus.   "is there a plan for all this madness my brother asked him as we walked, "these people don't plan they want an excuse the mother who dreams of strangling her child husband who want's to stab his wife all they want is someone to tell them.. do it kill them it doesn't matter.. it doesn't Jerome said to my brother he looked to me and smirked happily. "oh I love this game Jerome said pulling me with him to a dunk machine. Bruce tried to follow but Jerome's followers held onto him. The tub of water was full of Piranha's and a man held against his will was sitting on the seat above the deadly fish. "stand here and look pretty my Lina not that it's hard for you Jerome told me with a chuckle as he tossed the ball into the air then caught it. "you won't get away with it Bruce told him, "I already did not to mention I got that and more Jerome said looking to me as if I was his more. "now shush need to concentrate he told my brother about to throw the ball. "a few dozen brained washed maniac's can't keep the city hostage forever, Bruce told him trying to stall. "so what is the point, He looked to me "the point My Lina is that all these people out here looting, robbing.. killing they are the people who wash your car pour your coffee who take out your trash and what happened the moment the light's went out... they showed their true faces he told me. He then fiddled with a lock of my hair as he watched it as if fascinated. "I am merely helping contribute to a good cause and you... Madelina Wayne will be by my side when we take over the city he told me softly. "leave her alone Bruce spat at him trying to get out of the guys grip but failed. "you know when else these people showed how quickly they want to open up your rich people veins and bathe in your blue blood that is the point Jerome got in Bruce's face. "that's not true their are good people in Gotham Bruce told him. that seem to make Jerome humored he laughed his laugh. "like who the sheep who lock their doors and crawl under their beds face it kid Gotham has no hero's Jerome told him. My brother looked at me helpless he even looked hopeless. Jerome then tried throwing that ball again but Bruce shoved him making Jerome trip not able to hit the target. "Faul he pushed me you see that Lina Jerome told me, "you want to kill someone let's get on with it come on Bruce yelled at him angry. "your so boring Bruce Jerome told him hitting the target anyway the man dropped into the tank and blood filled the water. "no me and Bruce both called out but even I was held back this time by a follower. "uh, uh, uh what did I say no touching what's mine Jerome warned him the guy let me go and I backed up from them  and went to my brother. "are you okay Bruce asked me, "I am he looked at me guilty. "I'm sorry he told me, "this isn't your fault Bruce none of it is. "your a target now your his target he'll always be after you Bruce told me. "I know, but it's okay we're going to get you out of this your not dying tonight I promise. "Lina Bruce said to me, "no I won't take no for an answer your my brother I need you. "I want you safe I don't care what happens to me as long as your safe he replied. "I'm sorry Jerome the guy told him he seemed afraid. "no harm no Faul only.. you did what I asked no one to do.. Jerome warned him snatching the guys gun without hesitation shot him right in the face. Jerome chuckled, "let me see that he then told a clown grabbing a staple gun Jerome stapled a draping piece of his skin back onto his face it was so abnormal. Jerome let out a squeal as the staple tore into his skin. "did that hurt Bruce asked him bitterly. "not much.. you try he said grabbing my brother's arm he stapled his skin too yet all Bruce did was flinch. So Jerome did it again still no reaction, Then again and my brother hunched over "stop Bruce yelled out in pain which made him laugh. "Jerome please stop it, he looked at me and for that second he seem to go soft but he switched letting go of Bruce "alright enough dilly dallying Jerome stated, I looked at Bruce's arm the three staples dug into his wrist bleeding "I'll be fine my brother told me trying to sound positive. "to the main event he added taking my wrist he pulled me with him.   "don't take this personal my Lina this is just a precaution can't have you running away from me now Jerome told me handcuffing my wrist's together behind my back then onto a thin pole on the side of the stage. "stop it you said me leave my sister out of this Jerome Bruce told him upset. "don't worry Bruce once this is over she's coming with me can't have her escaping Jerome told him then he looked to me and faced me looking me over. "kiss for good luck he asked, "you wish He snickered darkly. "later perhaps he replied then he left us. "Lina can you get free Bruce asked me as he was tied to a moving pole for the stage. "I can "good get free get help he replied. "I'm not leaving you "save yourself he told me, "when will you ever learn brother we're in this together. "Bruce.. Wayne Jerome dragged out his name as they rolled my brother on stage leaving me alone and timed too get out of these handcuffs. I slid my leg up the side of the pole behind me and maneuvered my hands to my boot where I had a safety pin holding my sock to my boot. I struggled trying to unlatch it and keep my hands from dropping it, this was my only chance too free myself. As I got it in my grip I exhaled calming myself. I heard the crowd cheering on the other side of the red curtain chanting Boom. I slid the sharp end of the pin into the key hole and began turning it back and forth to try too unlock it. After what seemed forever I heard a click and one of the cuffs opened allowing me too get my hands free from the pole.
I then heard three gunshot's and I ducked down seeing who it was, Jim Gordan was in the crowd all eyes on him. "detective Gordan your just in time for the big finish Jerome called out sitting on a cannon. I then took this time too rush to my brother "use the staple Bruce told me, "I have a better idea I held up the pin he smiled. I then slipped it into the lock and twisted it to find the click. Swat teams and officer's made their way to Jerome trying to get him. The handcuffs then clicked open as chaos struck the tent. "yes Bruce said as he got out of the cuffs he took my hand in his. "let's go he said as we ran. We ran into a mirror maze knowing Jerome would follow, We hid inside of it not to be seen. We watched as Jerome entered with a pistol and a grin of a manic on his stapled face. "oh Brucie... you ruined my show Bruce and you have something of mine and hiding her is just going to make things worse he warned walking through the maze. "we didn't come here to hide Bruce told him as a gunshot was fired hitting nothing but a mirror. "I wanted you to follow us... your going to pay for what you have done Bruce warned him. Jerome giggled, "I have to tell you two this is way more fun than I was expecting we make a good trio you, Lina, me Jerome told us. "you killed Alfred and you tried kidnapping my little sister Bruce said making Jerome fire again only to hit a mirror. "she's mine and is that what this is about are rich kids always this close with their butler's Jerome stated. "you want to be a hero boy I'll give you a fighting chance but I still get your sister let's do this mano E mano my little Conquistador Jerome stated I noticed him slid out a knife behind his back. I'm propped on the top of the mirror maze roof watching him in the middle of the maze. I then dropped on his back making him fall on his stomach I held my knife to his throat as he laughed happily. "my little Assassin your good at this he said I grabbed his back pulling him to his knees I held my knife to his throat. "do it he taunted me, "I know you want to he added. "I won't kill you I'm not that kind of person but I will warn you I'm not your little toy and I never will be. He smiled chuckling darkly in his throat. "your mine Lina you'll always be.. mine he told me a warning in his voice. I let him go shoving him making him stumble forward he only giggled I stood up away from him as Bruce rushed in throwing punches at him they both started fighting. "let it out Jerome told my brother laughing as Bruce kept punching him so rough his face started peeling away. "that's it... let it out Jerome told him choking on his own blood now. Bruce kept punching him. But then my brother picked up a shard of glass about to kill Jerome. "Bruce he stopped and looked at me panting, I shook my head to him, Then he looked at himself in the mirror. "I won't stop... do it Jerome choked up, Bruce only yelled and dropped the shard on the ground standing up from Jerome. Bruce hugged me and I hugged him back. I looked at Jerome who was watching us his eyes flickered to mine and he still managed to grin. Bruce took my hand, "you ready to go he asked me. I smiled at my brother his smeared clown makeup he looked relieved though. "yes, He then smiled. We walked out of the mirror maze, The grounds were full of fight's and swat member's fighting them back. Then right a cross from us we saw a pair of eyes we thought we'd never see again. "Alfred we both called to him, "Lina, Bruce he called back as we both ran into his arms hugging him tightly. "we thought you were dead my brother told him, "you two can't get rid of me that easily he joked "oh come here he told us hugging us both again. I felt relieved and safe again, "behind you Jim called out making Alfred pull me and my brother behind him protectively. As he punched Jerome in the face, It made Jerome's face fly off showing just the inside of his face he looked to me then fell backwards onto his back. Jerome did nothing but laugh, but he will now be behind bars or sent back to Arkham Asylum. Now we go home. I helped Bruce was the makeup off his face, Then I cleaned his staple wounds wrapping them in bandage. "well I got to say clown makeup is way more terrifying then the damage made you two Alfred told us sitting down beside me. We didn't say anything, Bruce looked like he was thinking and me well I was just dazed. "did I ever tell you two I never liked clowns... well in a couple of days the two of you will be back to your old selves Alfred told us, "you both ready to tell me what happened he asked us. Bruce looked to me, "when Jerome took me and Lina away I thought they were going to kill you Bruce admitted. "do you both want to know what I thought.. I thought how proud I was of you two of the man and woman you both have become he replied. "I almost killed him Alfred I wanted too.. he said he would take Lina once he killed me... I hated him and in that moment... I almost killed him for it Bruce explained. I rested my head on his shoulder and he laid his head on top of my head. "but you didn't though you controlled your anger Alfred said. "it wasn't just anger after everything Jerome done all the pain he caused and trying to take Lina... Lina could have killed him slit his throat clean but she didn't and she told him that Bruce told him. "and what did you tell him Mistress Lina Alfred asked me curious. "it was like Jerome wanted me to kill him he told me too and at some part's I wanted too kill him but I knew I wouldn't because that isn't who I want to be me and Bruce knew where the line was and neither of us crossed it. Alfred smiled slightly at me proud of my answer. "well that's the first rule Alfred replied, "what do you mean Bruce asked him. "I started training you two so that you both could defend yourselves well.. we're passed that aren't we but what are we still training for what are you two going to do with it he asked us. Bruce looked at me, I shook my head no not knowing. "I don't know Bruce told him, "nor do I but if you two keep going the two of you are going to need rules... rules that either of you can not and will not break never mind the reason never mind the circumstance Alfred stated. "we will not kill, Bruce looked to me and nodded, "we will not kill he said as well. "say it again both of you Alfred told us, We looked at him. "we will not kill we both told him in sync. "then let's get to work Alfred told us.

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