Some Secret's Are Dangerous

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I headed to bed around midnight last night, Bruce said he'd take over to try to figure out how too access the rest of the document's. Morning I did my run and went to train in the office while Bruce was still at the computer and Ms. Fox was at the chair waiting. "good morning Madelina he told me. "good morning Mr. Fox. He smiled to me caringly, "did you sleep, I asked my brother who looked far to into the screen it is as if he'd jump right into it. "no but it's fine I'll catch it up he told me not taking his eyes off the screens. "are you close, "I think so I seem to be deeper into some files I just can't figure out why there are no dates on this calendar he told me. I walked over to him looking it over and he was right. "strange, "indeed he agreed. "you've both been at it all night maybe you two should get some food down your neck's Alfred told us. "do I smell sausage Mr. fox asked. "chipolatas I have a full English upstairs Alfred stated. "I have no idea if that's a year but I'm starving let's eat he told him. "I think we found something Bruce stated. "your father's files are still running through the cryptons program it could take weeks Mr. Fox told us. "yes but one was password protected it was just like the lock Bruce replied. "during the week of his murder he was suppose to meet a woman named Karen Jenning's about something called Pinewood farms. "well Pinewood farms sounds rather quaint Alfred insisted. "or not most of Wayne Enterprises black op programs had code names like that a bland name covering up nasty business Mr. Fox explained. "this could be what dad was investigating when he was killed Bruce told me. I nodded agreeing, "I think we may be getting a tad ahead of ourselves here I mean how covert could it be if it's on your old dad's calendar Alfred informed. "I run Karen's name through HR when I get into work see if I can't get any information Mr. Fox told us. "Dad had her address, I pulled out a small pad and pen to write it down. "she lives right outside the city Bruce added. "why don't you two just wait and see what Mr. Fox comes up with first Alfred warned us. "we're done waiting Alfred we need to know, "we're going up there with or without you Bruce added walking out with me. "not surprised you two do need to eat something on the way we heard him call to us. We got to the address a small home in the middle of no where. It looked abandoned, Alfred knocked on the front door. I scanned the home the windows were barred and no light's were on inside. "nope still you know nice to get out of the manner have a little drive in the country Alfred said. I pulled out a metal stick and paper clip from my pocket and handed it too Bruce too pick the lock. "that's blood treat isn't it she's made you two a bloody tea leaf street smart, street smart my eye Alfred told us. "shush Alfred Bruce told him, "these are merely technical skills "oh he replied, "yes morally nurture Bruce added. He then twisted the lock and it popped unlocked but with that we heard a bang from inside Alfred held onto the door and ushered us to stay quiet. Alfred pulled out his pistol as we entered the home. The wood inside had scratch marks carved into it I ran my finger down them curious. I looked to my brother he also was curious. what is it Bruce asked, Just as a woman rushed out slicing Alfreds hand making him drop his gun. I picked up his weapon, "careful you two she has some sort of weird hunting knife he pointed out. The woman was in the shadows watching us, "we do not want to harm you ma'am I placed the gun back on the ground. "yes my name is Bruce Wayne this is my little sister Madelina Wayne Bruce introduced us to her. "we just want to speak to you, "Madelina and Bruce Wayne the woman said as if she knew our names. "you two are Bruce and Madelina Wayne she asked. Alfred then picked back up the gun, "that's far enough drop the knife Alfred told her. "it's not a knife she told him. "what ever it was you used to do this to me drop it now he told her. "I can't she told him, She then held up her other hand only it wasn't a hand of a human it looked like the hand of a creature it had three claws and was red skinned. "listen to me she began, "that's far enough Alfred told her. "listen I have no idea who you are or what ever that thing is, is bloody dangerous Alfred pointed out. "do you know who me and my sister are you seem to recognize us Bruce asked her. "how did you two find me she asked, "our father Thomas Wayne came here the week before he died he had it in his calendar Bruce replied. "his calendar great were you two followed she asked. "no he said. "good then you can leave she replied, "not until you answer my question Bruce told her. "we know our father came to talk to you about Pinewood farms what is that he asked. "god you two don't know anything do you she stated. "so tell us, "do either of you not understand that these people will kill you she asked. "you don't think I've been trying to tell theses two that Alfred pointed out. "neither of us are afraid to die not if it means doing the right thing Bruce told her. "oh yeah how'd that work out for your dad you two have to go it's not safe for either of you here she told us. "we don't care what ever our Dad was investigating got him and our mom killed you are the first person we found that may know why. She looked to me impressed. "you have too tell us what he was doing Bruce added. We started talking outside, "sorry about your hand I don't get many visitors you uh spooked me she told Alfred as he was wrapping it up. "we spooked you Alfred stated. "how long have you lived here Bruce asked her. "Ten years ever since Pine wood she replied. "is that where you got that, "Pinewood farms was a bioengineering program at Wayne Enterprises the kind that was kept off the books I was one of their first volunteers she explained. "you volunteered for that did you Alfred asked. "I didn't have much of a choice at the time I was at black gate she admitted. "black gate nice I take it you weren't a guard he said sarcastically. "I was born with a crippled arm growing up my father liked two things booze and beating his deformed daughter one night I fought back he fell down the stairs and broke his neck.. I went to black gate for murder she informed. "but that was self defense Bruce told her. "well people are scared of different jury sent me away one day these men show up tell me their going to fix my arm not only fix it make it better instead they turned me into the monster everybody thought I was she replied. "did our Father know what was going on at Pinewood farms. "no, no when he found out what was going on when he saw what they were doing to us he shut it down paid to put us into hiding she told me. "so how many were there of you Alfred asked her. "not sure I know most of them were experiment's she stated. "it started again didn't it "that's why our father went to see you after all those years Bruce added she nodded to us. "he wasn't sure but he had his suspicions he came to warn me she replied. "who ever was running Pine wood who ever started it up again I know that's who killed our parent's do you know their names Bruce asked her. "none of them ever used their real names around us the man who was in charge I can still see his face every time I close my eyes she told us. "then you need to take us there Bruce told her, "you need to take us too Pinewood farms he added. She looked uncertain, "our father risked his life to save you we're asking you to repay that favor. She looked to me, "I promise nothing will happen to you Bruce told her. "okay she whispered. As we drove to the location it looked unused and abandoned yet it also felt like something was inside. "well it doesn't scream top secret does it Alfred pointed out. "this is it she told us. "well you three sit tight we heard Alfred say but Bruce and I were already out of the car along with Karen following us. We got up into the building up three flight's of stairs. I paused looking down the railing. "you okay Lina Bruce asked me, "I just feel like... we're not alone. He looked around then. "it's probably just in my head. "your never usually wrong he told me. "stay close to me he added. I nodded to him and we kept going. "nothing has been touched in here for over a decade Alfred stated. "you okay, Bruce asked her "seeing all this feels like yesterday I was here.. I'm sorry looks like your father was wrong maybe it's for the best you two can move on now she told us. "you knew this place was shut down you thought if you brought us here we'd give up she looked down. "Mistress Lina Alfred told me. "no Lina's right she's hiding something Bruce agreed. "I can see it in her eyes, "I don't understand what won't you tell us Bruce asked her annoyed. Then we heard the voice of men, "girl comes with us and no one gets hurt one warned. "run both of you Alfred told us Bruce took my hand in his and we ran down the stairs as Karen followed us and Alfred not far behind. But Karen stopped and we heard her scream, We rushed back in too find her standing and a guy with his neck slit she looked at us guilty. "come on Bruce told her I held onto her human hand as we rushed out of the building but our car was surrounded by cop's pointing weapons at us. We all held up our hands even Karen that's when the cop's all looked uneased we three shared looks. We were taken too the GCPD where Alfred was put in the bars and Karen was taken back too be put back in black gate. Me and Bruce were in Barnes office. We got one call and Bruce called Jim. "you two come with me Barnes told us we followed him out to where Alfred, and Jim were. "Bullock prep Karen Jenning's to travel I want her in black gate today no contact you your free to go I suggest you do so before I change my mind Barnes told everyone. Me and Bruce walked over to them. Jim placed his hand on Bruce's shoulder he looked to me. "what did you two tell him Jim asked us. "the truth Bruce replied "he didn't seem to like it very much. "alright how about you two tell me he said looking to Alfred Jim pulled Bruce who pulled me along with them we drove to a diner to talk. "have Lucious fox make a list of men from Pinewood he called himself the Philosopher if Jenning's can identify him then we have the guy who killed your parent's Jim told us. "that is if she's alive the minute she steps foot into black gate she'll be killed Alfred added. "that's why we're going to break her out Jim replied. Then he looked at us, "can you two gather up some money Jim asked. "how much do you need. We got to a place where we knew the bus for black gate would drive to and Bruce placed the duffel bag of cash in plan sight. With that we waited until it was Alfred's que for the next gunman act. I slid on my ski mask as did my brother and Alfred and we walked with him too where the action was happening. "I say it's a bit of a no brainer sweetheart now shoo Alfred told her grabbing her gun as well I got the key to the handcuffs from a guard on the ground and me and Bruce hopped in the back of the truck. "enjoy your cash let's go Jim said shutting the back door Alfred drove us off. I unlocked her cuffs and took off my mask as did my brother. "Bruce Madelina what's going on who is this Karen asked us. "a friend Bruce told her, "he's going to help us get your out of town. "my sister and I got you cash a car and a new identity when you leave town waiting for you at Wayne manor Bruce told her. "I can't believe you both would do this for me she told us. "I made a promise nothing would happen to you I intend to keep it Bruce told her. "Karen do you know a man who called himself the philosopher Jim asked her. "that's uh the man who ran the program she replied. "and you can identify him Jim asked, "yeah she said. "good we have a man tracking down the files of all the men who have worked at Wayne Enterprise over the years Jim explained to her. "after that you can disappear Bruce told her. "no one will ever hurt you again. She smiled to me lightly, "both of you sound just like him... I have been hiding something from you both your father did more than just rescue me from Pinewood she said. "what, what do you mean Bruce asked her. "after what happened I was so angry but he never gave up on me he kept visiting gave me books to read a music box for my birthday he kept reminding me I wasn't alone that I wasn't a monster.. I never knew what I father should be until Thomas Wayne that's why I didn't want you two too pursue this I didn't want either of you too see him differently your father started Pinewood his intention's were good but the man in charge took advantage of him he didn't realize the truth until it was too late Pinewood was his Burdon but it doesn't have to be either of yours she told us. Bruce looked to me, "it's not a Burdon. "it's who we are Bruce added finishing my sentence. "hold on we heard Alfred call out as we started losing control. Bruce held onto me protecting me if we'd get hurt as we rammed into something outside. Jim got out with his rifle leaving the door open. "you okay Bruce asked me, "I'm fine you. "yeah I'm okay he said panting he had a cut on the side of his cheek he placed his hand on my eyebrow and wiped blood onto his hands from me we were both hurt yet neither of us minded. We all three got out too, Karen held out her arm as if she were protecting us from someone. "you both alright Alfred asked us checking out cuts on our faces. We nodded to him, "go both of you run it's me he's after Karen told me and my brother. "we're not leaving without you Bruce told her. "I'm so glad I got to meet you both your Dad would be so proud of you two the man and woman you've become she told us. She hugged us both. She then ran out to the man with a freeze gun and he zapped her. Freezing her solid then he sliced her down the middle making her shatter to pieces. "no we both yelled. Jim grabbed me Alfred grabbed my brother and we duct down while a bomb went off Bruce held onto me as I held onto him it all happened so fast. We got home and cleaned up. I laid Karen's music box in my lap next to my brother as it played. "Dad risked his life to protect her he cared for her and now she's dead because of me Bruce said. I closed the music box and laid my head on my brother's shoulder as he laid his head on my head. "not because of you but what your perusing Alfred told him. "is there a difference Bruce asked. "yes and if you can't make your piece with that then your not ready Alfred told him. Bruce spun my ring on my finger around fiddling with it. "there will be others Alfred stated. "Karen was the only one who knew what the Philosopher looked like.. how are we going to find him now Bruce asked. He stood up facing the fireplace. Alfred and Jim looked to me, "we need to have faith Bruce Jim said. "if Barnes finds out what you put yourself in today Bruce told him. "he'll find out if he hasn't already but my time at the GCPD is coming to an end but I knew that going in Jim replied. "then why'd you do it, "you two aren't the only one's who made a promise Jim said looking at me then my brother. "ah Mister Fox Alfred said as Lucious walked in. "I let myself in I think I might have something, when I was compiling possible suspect's I also read a Pinewood farms and the Philosopher I found this he said hand me the paper Bruce sat back down next to me as we both read it. "it's a news letter from twelve years ago it has a list of team nicknames look at the man next to your father he asked us. "Hugo Strange, "the Philosopher Bruce added I handed the paper too Jim. "Hugo runs Arkham now Jim said Alfred then took a look at the paper. "a friend Bruce realized. "someone he trusted it isn't fair. "exactly it's not right Bruce said as well we looked to one another this was personal now.

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