19) What?

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Isabella Marie Volturi's POV (point of view)


My eyes were closed, because I just opened them. I just now opened them. What in the world just happen? I focus really hard but I can't remember anything, but two names Isabella Marie Swan and Renee. Why only two names?

I look around the room in need of answer's, anything that would return my memory. I was in a cell, the bars were metal and thick. I wouldn't be able to even wrap my hands around the bar. My hands, I try and move them but can't. I can't move.

I can't move. I don't remember. What else it wrong with me? I am clumsy. I thought. I remember I am clumsy, Isabella Swan is clumsy! Isabella Marie Swan is my name, so then who I Renee?

The cell, it is in a dungeon. The walls you can just tell are dungeon walls, the ones you see in movies. Wow I am getting side tracked! Lets focus on one thing . . . I thought about it: why can't I move?

I tried all kinds of different things: trying to reboot myself like a computer, twitching, closing and re-opening my eyes. One thing worked, picturing a bubble and pushing it away from me and my mind.

I could move, and all my memories but from the past year were back! My actual name is Isabella Marie Volturi. I broke my mate bond with Edward and that is the last thing I remember. Breaking the mate bond with Edward and everything going black.

The cell its in the castle, dads castle. Why am I in the dungeon? I decided O wanted out so I tried to pull the bars apart but I couldn't, that was the stangest things I've seen! I used my physical shield and pulled the bars apart, shreaded them actually.

I walked around and found dad! "Hey dad what happened? I was in the dungeon." I said

"You were suppose to stay in there!" He hissed and his eyes changed to a topaz color for a second! Scary, and someone else is in control of him! I wrapped my physical and mental shield around him, I still didn't know if it was mental or physical!

"Dad what do you remember last?" He asked

"Tanya, she walked in and followed you to your room." Dad said

"Is it wired that I don't remember that?" I asked

"Not so much," he said

"Does she have a power we didn't know about?" I asked

"She dosen't have a power silly Isabella." Dad said

"Yes she does, now I have to go." I said sadly

"But I just got you back," He said and raced l over and hugged me. "good bye." he whispered

"Bye daddy I love you, and I am so sorry." I said and took my mental and phsyical shields from him and set up my physical shield around me a foot a way and shapped as a bubble so that now my dad was outside of it-again.

I had a mission that he really couldn't help me with, I needed to find Tanya.. While I was blacked out my mind was still working if you just wanted to know. I need to know what Tanya's power is and I need to know it now!


I know fast moving but deal with it!!!!! What do you think?

June 6, 2015


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