Prologue (🍋)

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A young bull demon looking to be the age of 15 is looking for a new job as a ranch hand when he is pointed in the direction of a ranch who just recently lost a ranch hand called "The Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch". When the young demon makes it to the ranch he sees a house next to some stables holding demonic looking boars. As the young demon walks up to the house's door and knocks it opens to reveal an old, strong looking imp with white hair and a white bushy mustache.

"Who are you?" Asks Joe

"I'm M/N sir I am looking for work as a ranch hand and the people in town pointed me in your direction I was hoping you could offer me a job." Said the young demon now known as M/N.

"I am looking for a new ranch hand. My other one died recently to one of them terror's. If you can prove yourself by rustling up that hog over there then you got the job" Joe said pointing at the stable holding a demonic looking boar.

Joe hands me a knife as I jump over the fence garnering the boars attention. As M/N charges at the boar the boar charges back and the two clash into each other with M/N taking most of the damage and the boar shrugging the pain off. M/N gets back up and charges at the boar again with the boar doing the same but instead of clashing into each other. M/N slides underneath the boar flipping it over and driving the knife into the neck of the beast killing it.

"Well Done son, I ain't seen fighting like that on a farmhand in a while. Tell ya what, you got the job, your housing accommodations are over there" Joe said pointing at a smaller wooden house near the edge of the plot of land.

"Thank you sir, I promise you won't regret it" M/N said

"I hope I don't son, you start working tomorrow so go clean yourself and get some rest" Joe said picking up the dead boar and walking away.

M/n turns around and walks towards the small wooden house. As M/N enters the wooden house he takes note of the big bed in the corner of the room the closed door and the kitchen. The young demon walks toward the closed door and opens it to reveal a bathroom with a shower, toilet and sink. M/N takes a shower and retires for the night to prepare himself for a difficult tomorrow. When M/N wakes up and does his hygiene routine and exits his new house he is greeted by a bright sun and a smell of manure. M/N spots Joe across the ranch and makes his way towards him.

"Glad to see you up and early son" said Joe smiling at the young bull

"Howdy sir, I just wanted to start working as soon as I could" M/N said smiling back at the older imp.

Two female imps walk towards M/N and Joe before stopping at the sight of M/N and blush.

"Hey pa, who is this big guy?" Sallie May asks with a tiny blush across her face.

"This here is our new ranch hand his name is M/N. M/N these are my daughter's Sallie May and Mildred" Joe said introducing us to each other M/N smiles and shakes both of their hands.

"Howdy as your father said my name's M/N and I'll be working here as your new ranch hand so if you need help with anything feel free to ask" M/N said to the two girls with a smile.

"Hiiiiii~ I'm Mildred but you can call me Millie and It is nice to meet you" Millie said with a huge smile on her face and a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Hello to you too big guy I'm Sallie May and I'll make sure to take you up on your offer~" Sallie May flirts making M/N blush a little not used to getting flirted with.

"So sir, shall we get to work?" M/N asks shaking off his blush

"We shall, son" said Joe starting our long day off work

~~~~~~~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Two years flew by with M/N working on The Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch. M/N met the rest of Joe's family including his wife Lin and his 3 sons who he all became great friends with even them seeing him as another brother. M/n's relationship with Sallie May and Millie furthered with Sallie May awarding M/N the nickname of Beefcake and Millie started calling him Big Boy. M/N also participated in two of the Harvest Moon Festivals and won them both where he became well acquainted with Stolas the prince to the Ars Goetia family.

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