Ch 6

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Tom is still 15 until this ch 🙊and Olivia turned 15

After a month after the song it became a major hit. Tom was getting ready for his concert. That was where he was living. So he didn't need a hotel.

"Baby I'm gonna sit this concert out okay? I love you!" I say feeling tired I then kiss him on the cheek. it's 10pm " okay get some rest." He says and walks out. Not even a kiss goodbye. He's been acting so weird lately. He hasn't been acting like this since last year.

I head to sleep thinking he's just having it rough. I ignore it and I read the book Ive been reading this book since the first week I met Tom. It's a German book and it translates everything so I can learn German for him. I finally finish the book around 12am and I now know everything in German and I feel so happy. I then head to sleep. soon later I feel strong hands wrap around my waist and a drift off to sleep again.

I wake up and Tom's not in the room. I go out the room and see him looking a little frustrated so I go up to him. "Hey!" I say " happy birthday!!" I add and then hugging him. " I'm not in the mood Olivia. I need to be alone right now." Tom says "oh okay.." I say and head back to the room and get changed i spend 2 hours getting dressed too look pretty for him. I walk out the room and I see tom leave. But bills in the room I sneak up behind him and scare him " Boo!" I say

"Damn Olivia don't scare me like that!" He says laughing nervously. " Where did tom go?" I say "oh I don't know. I think it was the studio." He says "oh okay. Also happy birthday bill!!!" I say happily "oh thank you!" He smiles and watches tv. I cook bill's favorite breakfast since Tom's not here.

It's now 9pm and I'm still In My dress and heals waiting for him to come back. I grab my keys and head to my car that Tom got me not too long ago. (Yes I'm making a 15 year old drive I think that's good.) I head towards the bands studio and I see Tom's car there. I go and try to open the door but it was locked. I grab the keys and unlock the door.

"Happy 16th!!-"I then see a girl on Tom's lap and their kissing. The girls almost naked and I begin to cry. Tom looks straight at me and I'm there crying at the doorway. Tom pushes the girl off her and tells her to beat it. I stand there in shock my lip quivering and tears are coming down after another "how could you!?" I say deeply heartbroken. "Verpiss dich, du bist so verdammt nervig! Kannst du mich jemals in Ruhe lassen!? einmal im Leben! Alles, was du jemals tun willst, ist neben mir zu sein! Ich habe dich nie geliebt, du hast mir nur leid getan!" He says think I can't understand him.

( Fuck off, you're so fucking annoying! Can you ever leave me alone!? For once in your life! All you ever want to do is be next to me! i never loved you I just felt sorry for you!)

"Scheiß auf dich ... alles, was ich jemals getan habe, war, dich zu pflegen und zu schätzen. Ich habe sogar Deutsch für dich gelernt!" I say and he stands there in shock. I can tell he's drunk but that's no excuse.

(Fuck you...all I ever did was nurture and appreciate you. I even learned German for you!)

"Olivia..." he says sobering up from the shock that ran threw his body. I run out and he runs after me. I get into the car and head to his place.

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