how my story started

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My(aka MC) POV

My father was someone you call a "macho man" wanting another Keller as a son the first born my oldest brother Anthony he was thrilled having his first child that was a boy spoiled him rotten.

And after 5 years he begged my mother to have another child to be surprised it was twins and my father was thrilled to have 3 sons soon but suprised only one of the twins were male and I was a female.

He was disappointed and disgusted and I became his least favourite child but My father never tried to hide his disgust and disappointment towards me then they named me Lilith a beautiful name but with the meaning of ' night monster'.

He named both of my brothers Anthony and David their names meaning 'priceless and beloved respectfully' but he never even glanced at me ever since I was born.

While both my mother and brothers tried to give me a nickname lili but our father insisted to just call me Lilith 'so I can feel the disappointment  he felt towards me until the day I was born'.

But my father and mother didn't stay married and quite unfortunately he signed custody for both of my brothers Anthony and David.

Anthony was 7 while David and I were 3 but still kept me.

But things just got worse from there
He always took my brothers out and spend his time with them every day leaving me behind and never saw that I was also important also wouldn't let me join there games even though I was interested on what the sports and activities they were playing.

Whe I was four My Father had gained
Cancer and for what I have heard it was terminal that's what my story starts to play.

Yes he made a deal with Satan giving him 15 more years to live and sold one of his children soul in replacement.

And surprise I was the one he chose
And after the deadline of 15 years I will die and will be send of to hell
No matter how little I sinned and how much I pray a deal is a deal after all especially with the devil himself.

The first time I remember something happened to me it was about a month after my father made the deal.

I was in my tiny cramped room
Trying to get some sleep on a bed that I outgrew years ago while my brothers and father watch a movie downstairs.

When I finally saw it this thing in my closet.

It has a white faced entity that has claws and swords that were long and sharp that stabbed my closet door

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It has a white faced entity that has claws and swords that were long and sharp that stabbed my closet door.

There was no question that this entity was indeed a demon.

I immediately cried for my father who stormed up to my room screaming at me and started abusing me for interrupting his movie night with his sons.

After that father called me a little girl for crying and locked me in my room
As I cried all that night the demon simply watched me every night that I did my homework or read books.

A Demons Child In Twisted WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now