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Instead of going to change or get cleaned up, they all found themselves in their classroom in their seats.

"I can't do this anymore. I wanna go home!" Soon-Yi yelled while grabbing at her hair. "Me too! I didn't sign up to die!" Joon-Hee said. "Who do they think they are putting us in this danger! We're just students!" So-Yoon yelled.

"Stop it..." Seo-Hyun said with a sigh. "No! You can't even tell us what to do, Seo-Hyun. Just because your brothers out platoon leader doesn't mean anything! We're going home!" Ha-Na yelled at her.

"I never said I was in charge or in control of you guys! Of course I can't tell you guys what to do! You guys can't go home either." Seo-Hyun said. "And why's that?" Soon-Yi asked. "Nothing will change if you guys go home now. Who knows what state your house could be in right now, where your parents are. Even if you go home, the spheres will come." Seo-Hyun answered.

"It's best to stay here and train to learn how to protect yourselves and others rather than going home and risking it all alone there." Min-Hee said.

None of them listened. They argued and bickered at the four military kids and started to pack their bags. Then, in the mist of it, Choon-Ho walked in.

"What are you guys doing? Sit down." He said softly. None of them listened. "I said sit down!" He yelled startling everyone. They all sat down.

"The school is the safest place for you right now... It's best to stay here." He said. "Safe? Our teacher died and we also heard Young-Hoon died too." So-Yoon spoke. "You're meant to be here and protect yourself... You guys can't always protect others around you." Choon-Ho explained.

"How can we protect ourselves if we can't even shoot a gun?" Hee-Rak asked. "Just send us home! We'll be better there..." Soon-Yi said. "You can't go home. Who knows what'll happen there. Being home doesn't mean the spheres won't go there either and who knows, maybe they already went to your home." Choon-Ho said.

"Night training will be held as scheduled." Choon-Ho said before leaving the room. Everyone sighed.

"We have to come to an agreement. Go together or stay together..." Young-Shin said. "If we go out we'll just fall prey to the spheres." Yong-Shin added. "Platoon Commander's right... I'd rather die here miserably than go die out there." Soo-Cheol spoke.

"What's the difference if we stay here or go!? Let's just leave!" Hee-Rak yelled. "Didn't you hear him? We need to work as a team for everything to work out." Bo-Ra spoke. "Let's all take a vote to see if we should stay or go home." Hee-Rak suggested. "Let's do that then." Yoo-Jung replied.

"Raise your hand if you want to go home." Yoo-Jung asked. Everyone in the room raised their hand except the four military kids and Young-Soo.

"Yah." Ill-Ha started. He got up and went over to Young-Soo, pushing his head forward. "Why aren't you raising your hand?" He asked. "Because I don't want to." Young-Soo answered. "Raise your damn hand! You don't want to stay here, do you!?" Ill-Ha asked.

He turned to the other remaining four. "Why aren't you guys raising your hands?" He asked. "Does it look like we have a choice? Even if we did, you guys outweighed it with votes. Our family works in the field, we don't have an option to opt out of this. You guys can vote to go home, and if you guys succeed, us four will still be here... Even if we wanted to go home too." Seo-Hyun explained.

"So, our votes don't matter in this situation." Min-Sung added. "Don't you guys want to go see your families out of this situation?" Soon-Yi asked. "Either way, our families are working on training and protecting everyone else, what are we gonna see of them other than that?" Min-Hee responded.

"I don't have parents to go back to unlike you guys." Seo-Hyun spoke. "My only family is my brother, you guys know that because I've said it before. Either way, I'll be by his side until then and taking the words he tells me to do." Seo-Hyun added on.

Yoo-Jung started writing on a piece of paper a petition and got everyone who rose their hand to sign it. Yoo-Jung and Young-Shin took it to Choon-Ho.

"There was an evacuation. Your parents would have been transported to shelters by now." He said looking at the petition. "Then can't we also go there as well?" Yoo-Jung asked. "You guys are currently soldiers and working under the force. You can't leave as your please. Don't think about this any further." Choon-Ho spoke while crumpling the petition paper. 

When the two returned to tell the class, everyone seemed like they were going out of their minds.

~ ☆ ~

They all went outside once it was dark for their training. They were being pushed harder now due to the events from earlier. Everyone complained and struggled a little more now. Some of the girls were even shedding tears at this point.

Choon-Ho was yelling harder and harder to them, treating them all like they were nothing to this point.

Yoo-Jung crawled out but was immediately lifted up by Choon-Ho. "Private, run." He commanded but she didn't budge. He pushed her slightly and told her to run again, but still nothing. 

Yoo-Jung fell onto the ground grabbing a hold of Choon-Ho's hand. She began to cry and beg for him to stop. "Commander, I can't... I can't..." She cried. Everyone stopped in their tracks to watch.

Choon-Ho stood there trying his best not to break himself. Seo-Hyun who stood right before them looked at her brother. The two looked at each other and Seo-Hyun gave a slight nod as a signal. He deemed everyone a break and to return back inside soon.


A/N: Thank you guys for reading! Just wanted to stop by and say that I'm adding Wednesday updates :)))))) So now updates will be Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays!

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