[ 17 ]

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Seo-Hyun managed to get to the prison under the ten minute mark.

"Are you guys ready?" She asked and they nodded. She explained that she'll stand in a hallways to distract them and that the girls should run around to confuse them.

After waiting for a little while, she finally heard them running up the stairs. She stood in a dark hallway that was only lit up by a window. She stood in front go the window and she was seemingly like a silhouette.

As she waiting someone came into the hallway.

"Which one are you?" He asked. "The girls who were here had short hair but you have seemingly longer hair." He said walking forward. "Well, specifically the one that I want has shorter hair like a boys hair cut." He explained.

Seo-Hyun ran off in the other direction and he ran after her. After making it into some sunlight, she stopped and so did he. "You do have longer hair." He said looking at her. She walked a little wrapping her arm around the corner to grab her gun.

"What are you doing?" He asked. He saw the gun and laughed at her as he held his gun as well. Seo-Hyun turned around.

"You're not someone who was here before." He squinted his eyes at her. "You sir..." She said preparing her gun. "Are correct." She said aiming. "You think you scare me?" He said holding up his gun as well.

He aimed at Seo-Hyun before pulling the trigger. Nothing came out. "What?" He looked at the gun and smacked it a couple times before trying again. "You know, smacking the gun doesn't help." She said before pulling her trigger and shooting him.

He fell to the ground but he was still alive. Seo-Hyun walked over and squatted next to him. "Both legs shot, now you can't walk." Seo-Hyun said. "I'll let something else come handle you." She explained before leaving.


After everyone seemingly finished inside, they headed outside and saw the scene of Bo-Ra and Ae-Seol on the ground. The bigger guys walked by all of them.

~ ☆ ~

"I found this." Soon-Yi slid on the table. "What is that?" So-Yoon asked looking at it. "It was my vote from last night." Soon-Yi explained. "I found it at the hospital... Why was it there?" She asked.

No one spoke up because some didn't know why but some knew exactly why.

They all seemingly argued about everything now. From Soon-Yi finding her vote, to Deok-Joong explaining that the CSAT's were canceled.

As everyone argued, people were protecting each other left and right, defending one another.

Ill-Ha shot a gun causing everyone to stop and look at him. "I did it." He explained. "I rigged the votes." He spoke. Everyone questioned him.

"I wanted to stay... I wanted to get rid of the spheres, I couldn't do that alone..." Ill-Ha explained. "You couldn't have rigged the votes alone though..." Young-Shin spoke.

Without thinking, Woo-Taek walked up. "I helped..." He admitted. "Only you two?" Young-Shin questioned. "We also... Broke the radio..." Woo-Taek admitted even more.

"You two couldn't do that alone though." Young-Shin confronted. "Especially since you guys aren't in charge of the votes." He looked at the remaining four.

They finally all stepped up.

"No way..." Ha-Na spoke. "So you're saying we could have gone home!?" Hee-Rak yelled. "Yah." He spoke walking up to his best friend. "Why would you do this, Kwon Ill-Ha?" He held onto his friends hoodie.

A fight basically broke out between all of them. They all argued about the others being wrong and how they could have gone home and been safe but they were all selfish for making everyone stay.

"I'm done with this." So-Yeon said leaving and ending the fight between everyone. Everyone went their own ways after that.

Seo-Hyun sat on the rooftop for some air after the fight. She heard the door open and saw Soo-Cheol coming over.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he sat down next to her. She nodded, "you?" She asked. He nodded as well but with a sigh. "Why did we even do this..." She questioned but Soo-Cheol shrugged not knowing either at this point.

"Do Soo-Cheol..." She said his name and he looked at her. "If you weren't a part of this and you found out that I was rigging the votes and broke the radio... Would you be mad at me?" She questioned looking at him.

He looked away for a little while thinking. "I'm sure I would but I don't know how long I would be." He answered. He asked the same question back to Seo-Hyun. "I guess I would have the same answer." She replied.

Seo-Hyun rested her head on his shoulder but she slowly fell asleep. Soo-Cheol carried her to her bed before heading to his as well. The next day, everyone agreed to head out and head to Seoul.

~ ♡ ~

A/N: Y'all, we're nearing the end I fear 😭 There's only 5 more chapter left- 🫠

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