3:2 Goodbyes Sure Do Suck

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Goodbyes Sure Do Suck
Part 1

Goodbyes Sure Do SuckPart 1————

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You and Hope looked up at him, Hope climbing off as she started to get off the bed. "It's fine. I was just leaving. I was just leaving." Hope repeated, climbing off of the bed, a small smile on her face to hide her embarrassment.

"You sure?" Rafael stopped and turned around.

"Yeah." Hope replied, walking out of the room.

You bit your bottom lip to hide your embarrassment as well. "Bye, Hope." You stated, Hope just glancing back with a small smile as she left. You then let out a sigh. "This better be good." You commented, climbing off the bed.

Landon nodded in agreement. "Yeah, what do you need us for?" Landon questioned.

"Really, guys?" He then pulled up a sword. "You're supposed to kneel... in the presence of a king." He commented, causing you guys to smile.


You were with Rafael as you read out loud about King Arthur and how he was a brave soldier. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up." Rafael stopped you, chuckling afterwards. "You're out of control, bro." Rafael stated, his voice muffed due to him eating.

Your eyes widen as he said that. "Excuse me?" You questioned, taking that as an offence. Rafael went to say something but you stopped him. "Listen, we know you're a descendant from King Arthur's bloodline. Everything I'm reading right now could have happened." You explained,lowering the book slightly.

"Yeah. Could have." Rafael repeated, smiling. "What is Hope doing there, exactly?" He asked after a moment.

You looked down. "I... I got carried away." You whispered but shook your head. "That's not the point, Raf, I don't understand how you're not buying into this, Landon probably would've been worse than me." You stated, closing the book. "If I knew I was descended from kings..." You trailed off.

Rafaels squinted his eyes. "That's always been the difference between you and me, Kat. You've always wanted to know, but isn't coming from a rich family basically the same? I've just wanted to be normal. Have a... a home, friends and a family. And look, now that we have that, I don't need some fantasy role-playing to tell me where I come from." Rafael explained standing up, he tried taking the book from you but you held a tight grip on it.

You glared up at him. "You do realise this is history, right?" You rhetorically asked.

Rafael then tried again, you allowing him this time as you let out a sigh. "And after all we've been through... look, I'm done looking back." Rafael calmly stated, turning around.

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