A Little Disagreement

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Mario woke up. What time was it? Mario got up and checked the time. His shift started in 20 minutes. 

Suddenly, there was a loud crash.

"What was that?" Asked Four as he opened the closet door.

"I don't know," said Mario as he got up and left.

He turned the corner to see a murder drone yelling at Bowser, Luigi, and a few random people he didn't recognize.

"Where the hell is he? What did you do with him?" Asked the murder Drone.

"We don't know what you're talking about. Please don't hurt us." Said one of the drones he didn't recognize.

He heard a gasp from behind.

"Hi, Three!"

Oh dear, he should have known this of Fours "friends." Wait, three. No, this was Four's crush, and he came here to make sure Four was okay. Maybe he did care about him.

"Four? Oh, four. I'm so glad you're okay." Said Three as he ran over to Four. "What did these stupid Worker Drones do to you?"

"They didn't do anything. Mario  let me in here and showed me his cool room."

"Oh wow." Said Boswer as he rolled his eyes. 'You're letting murder drones in now. You should be banned immediately."

"Hey. I recognize your voice." Said Four as he walked up to Boswer.

Oh no, was he going to?

"Four, let's not talk about this now." Said Mario, not wanting to cause more drama.

"You're that crossed wired, oil for brains brute that locked -"

"Four!" Said Mario.

It was too late, though. Boswer was livid.

"What did you call me, you little runt.?"

Runt? Oh, yeah, Four was tiny compared to Three. Weird.

"Don't talk to him like that!" Said Three.

"And what are you going to do about it?"

"Oh, I could do a lot of things. I was designed specifically to disassemble drones like you."

"That's enough!" Said Luigi. "Get to your post and you two murder drones leave. Except you Mario."

Everyone did as they were told and Luigi walked up to Mario.

"Why would you bring a murder drone in here?" Asked Luigi.

"Why does it matter?"

"Because it could have hurt someone.

" Yeah but did he?"

"No, but that doesn't matter. It makes our dad's name look bad when his kids are letting murder drones in."

" I don't care."

"Well, you should!"

''Well, I don't! He never cared about me, so I don't care about him!"

Luigi looked shocked.

"But it's not like you'd know what that was like. You were his favorite, his precious youngest!"

"Mario I-"

"Save it I'm going outside."

"Mario you can't go there ar-

"I said save it."

Mario walked outside leaving Luigi shocked.

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