Lotuses and a Dragon!

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"I was so good to you! Why?! Why are you ignoring me? I love you! When everyone contempt you I lent you my hand, I allowed you to be my friend! Do you know how much of an honor that is? How many people would get down on their knees to just get my recognition?! Why are you so ungrateful!"

The familiar game screen appeared in my dreams again, with the same silver-haired boy, although this time he seemed more unhinged.

Aiya... This guy sounds like a 'nice' guy. Bro you gotta stop talking like that if you want to capture her heart! All you're doing is looking privileged and crazy!

... But I guess some girls are into that. Never mind, do what you want man.

Before long, my sense of balance and vision started to haze again, which was a sign I was waking up.

I opened my eyes to a familiar ceiling. Standing next to my bedside was Ms. Burgey with a tray cart. I looked at her in confusion.

What's with the tray cart? It's not like I usually have breakfast in the room, what? Is something special happening today?

"Good Morning, Hakon! Have your dance lessons been doing well? What about your music lessons? Oh, and your etiquette classes too! I hope you're doing well in all of them!"

What... I'm getting a bad feeling. Why is she bringing up all of this? Surely, she isn't trying to imply something here. Like all my hard work in those classes was meant to accumulate towards a specific event...

Fuck! Is this some cliche banquet event?!

It was exactly that.

To be more specific, it was my re-debut into the high society of nobles. I was in the spotlight. This might be the worst thing to happen to me right after waking up in this world and with the fact my hair turned white like some anime character!

Ah, I miss my black hair!

I pulled the covers over my head, feeling a grievance over my fate. Yet before I knew it... I stood in front of a crowd; standing on top of the grandeur stairwell that look to be made of marble. The suspended chandeliers from above illuminated the whole ballroom in a warm light and the little bell-shaped dresses of the woman along with men fitted in suits waited at the bottom, staring intently at me.

I felt a sense of deja vu, feeling as if I'd encountered this scene before.

Duke Fintan stood right beside me as I slowly descended the stairs, his black-gloved hands gently clasping onto mine as he held a gentle expression on his face. Unlike his usual black-suited attire, the one he wore today seemed more elegant and ornate, because it was. Although it was still mostly black, the silver patterns on his sleeves that cut light below his elbows could not be ignored, along with the vibrant pair of ruby cufflinks. The suite flap had a faint scale pattern, though it was almost indiscernible unless hit by the light; the collar and lapel were red with silver lining and threading. On his left sleeve was an embroidered silver snake that twisted around his arm. His breast pocket had a silver brooch with tassels; alternating leaves stretched out from the branch, reaching towards the left shoulder but stopping right before the point where the joints of the shoulder and arm connected.

As for me, I was in all white. Opposite of my dad. Around my neck was a gathered collar, a golden metal clip shaped like vines making sure the fabric wouldn't move. A circular fabric was draped over my shoulders, coving the upper part of my body but it didn't restrict my arms; behind me, a trail of white fell over my shoulder, but it wasn't long enough to touch the floors. This trail of fabric scattered out when you looked at it, taking on the resemblance of wings. My pants were puffy shorts, with frilly cuffs held in place by silver ribbons. 

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