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In the kingdom of Queen Castle, beneath skies streaked with vibrant hues of yellow, pink, orange, and purple, lived a beautiful little girl named Raven Queen. She wasn't an ordinary child, she was the daughter of the most legendary  sorceress who ever lived.

Raven was a bubbly, kind, free spirited little girl, she had long, dark brown hair with purple highlights  that flowed down her back in gentle waves, and the most deepest dimples she took from her father, and a pair of bright, curious purple eyes that sparkled in the light.

Little eight year old Raven was happily reading her little adventure novels  she got as a present for her eighth birthday. She had a collection of novels of all sorts  stacked in her shelves.

Raven Queen wore a light purple, sleeveless dress that flared out gracefully. The dress sparkled with delicate lace and sequins.

She loved to read, sometimes she felt like she never wanted to leave the castle, she was perfectly happy spending whole days lost in books.

As she was busy reading, a foghorn bellowed, calling her for dinner. She put her book away neatly on her shelves, and put on a purple sweater to keep her warm.

Queen Castle was chilly, there were far too many unoccupied rooms to bother lighting fires in all their hearths.

She made her way to the massive Great Hall, feeling as if she'd been swallowed by a whale, she then slid down the banister and made her way to the dining hall.

Raven flung open the massive polished oak dining doors and stepped into the grand hall. "I'm here!" she announced, looking around the empty room. The long table was set, decorated with gleaming silverware and sparkling crystal glasses, but no one was there.

"Boo!" The Good King, her dad, popped out from behind with a big grin.

He had just come back from the gym, wearing a sleeveless shirt that showed off his strong and toned muscles. A light sheen of sweat glistened on his skin, and his hair was slightly messy from the workout.

Raven jumped, then laughed. "Dad!"

He laughed. "You should've seen the look on your face!"

Raven giggled, her eyes shining with affection. "You always know how to make me laugh. What's for dinner?"

He pretended to sniff the air dramatically, making a show of it. "Hmm, I smell something amazing."

As if on cue, Cook proudly announced, "Dinner tonight features pesto pasta, caesar salad, and chicken noodle soup!"

Cook was a woman of many talents, particularly for her expertise in cooking. She was short and curvy, with ginger hair tied in a loose bun beneath a chef's hat. Her cheeks boasted a healthy rosy hue, and her green eyes sparkled above a scattering of freckles.

When the Queen ruled, this very dining hall used to be crowded with guests the Queen invited for dinner parties, she invited sorceresses and villains and evil fairies and the most prestigious of witches. She enjoyed hosting grand dinners and wore stunning dresses made of  fabrics like silk, velvet, and even leather sometimes.

As they finished, her father began."Raven time for bed!" Raven looked at him with her big purple doe eyes and smiled. "Okay, thank you so much Cook for the delicious dinner." Raven said sweetly.

As she entered her cozy room, she entered the shower, and a handful of scented soaps awaited her. She kept a range of shampoos, conditioners, and body washes in her collection, all carrying the soothing fragrance of lavender. The scent of lavender held a special place in her heart, for it held memories of the days when her mother had ruled.

When she finished, she was welcomed with warm towels, she then walked over to her dresser and pulled out her pajamas. A soft cozy set with a pattern of stars and moons. Raven's bedroom was a cozy little space, filled with soft blankets, stuffed animals. Among them, her favorite was Prince BunBun, a little fluffy white rabbit gifted to her by her parents on her first birthday.

Her bedroom was also filled with her most favorite books, adventure comics, and a little jewelry box her mother bought for her. She then quickly changed into her comfy pajamas, and walked over to her little vanity and brushed her hair. As she brushed her hair, she thought of all the adventures she had that day. She had played with the little birdies outside, she and her father explored the nearby woods, although him being the Good King, a man with far too many responsibilities, he always made time for his loved ones.

As she finished brushing her hair,

She remembered her mother.

She cherished the memories of her mother gently brushing her hair, a precious bonding ritual they shared. She stared at her hairbrush, the same hairbrush her mother held to brush her daughter's hair, and sighed and eventually continued to brush her hair. Her mother had been trapped in Mirror Prison, for over-stepping her story's boundaries.

Once her hair was tangled-free, Raven headed to her bathroom once again, to brush her teeth. She squeezed a small amount of toothpaste onto her toothbrush and began to scrub away her teeth gently, making sure to reach every nook and cranny.

Finally, Raven climbed into her bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. She snuggled down into her pillows and stared up at the ceiling, where she could see the stars twinkling through her window. Her father came in and kissed her forehead, telling her how he loved her dearly. He then tucked her in.

Before he managed to close the lights, his daughter asked him a question he had been avoiding. "Dad, tell me how you and mommy met!" she said innocently. His eyes widened from the horrors of his past, "I'll tell you when you're older darling, good night."  He said, in hopes of his daughter to agree with him. "Dad! Please!" Raven cast him a look, a familiar expression she had learned from her mother, a face that held a power he found impossible to resist. It was a face she would wear whenever she desired something from him, knowing well the effect it had. She had observed her mother using that very expression to great effect, and Raven had honed the art of using it herself. She knew, without a doubt, that he would find it impossible to deny her when she wore that irresistible face. So he finally gave in and sat next to her and Raven squeaked in excitement, squeezing her little stuffed bunny tightly.

He began.

It was a dark and stormy night, an eleven year old sorceress was practicing her spells in her bedroom window, eyeing the beautiful storm that was occurring. She loved storms, but her favorite were always thunder storms  because it tells her that something oh so beautiful like nature, had the ability to unleash its fury and scream out its emotions sometimes.

She heard footsteps getting closer to her bedroom and eventually, her mother knocked the door. "Vivica, darling! Can I come in?" Her mother said. "Come in Mom!" Vivica broke her gaze from the thunder and onto her mother. "So, how's spell practice going? Learn any new spells to share with mummy?" Her mother asked eagerly. "Yes! I learned how to create storms!" She replied excitedly.  "Like the one outside?" Her mother asked. "No, I can't master that one yet." She admitted.

Hmph, when I was your age, I was ready to start my destiny! But they made me wait for a day like Legacy Day to sign the Storybook Of Legends, and live my way to freedom!" She let a soft cackle after finishing her sentence, then she noticed her daughter's facial expressions changing. Vivica always wanted to make her mother proud, and she would do anything for that. "Vivica darling, once you grow up you will understand the beauty of power, the fear on people's faces will bring you joy!" Her mother said calmly.

Time skip.

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