Chapter 1

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Pinedale, Virginia

Betty's POV

"You stupid hog, hold still! You need your bath!" I demanded, as I was trying to bathe Willie, a black pig. He was quite stubborn, as he always nudged his snout in my face. "Hold still, dag nabbit! You got mud all over you, and I am fed up with you tracking muddy footprints all over my floor!"

Willie squealed as I kept trying to hold him in place. "You ain't getting no food, if you don't want to corporate!" I warned. "And, I'm sure a stupid, no good for nothing swine like you, wouldn't want to starve to death! Be a good pig, and I'll feed you some leftover corn flakes!"

Willie finally complied, and held still, and I bathed him, rinsing the mud off him. The humidity made it feel like I was working in a sweatshop.

"Ma! Debby Sue hit me!" cried my daughter, Pamela May.

"You're such a tattletale!" snapped Debby Sue."

"Alright now, you two cut it out!" I barked. "You two are always getting into trouble, and I am not gonna stand for it no more!"

"I'm the oldest, and I know what's best for Pamela May!" said Debby Sue.

"Well, I'm your mama, and I know what's best for both of you! Y'all don't stop this fightin and carrying on, I'm gonna get my belt! And, Debby Sue, don't you dare lay a hand on her!"

"I wasn't really crying," smirked Pamela May. "I just wanted to get you in trouble!"

"If Pa was still alive, he'd beat your behind so hard!" hissed Debby Sue.

"Enough!" I roared. "I'm trying to bathe Willie here, and you two are running around in this heat! Y'all get back inside, before you burn up! Go on, get!"

My two daughters scurried back into our big, navy blue house, with a green 1975 Lincoln Continental coupe with a Virginia license plate on it. It belonged to my late husband, Cletus. He left me his car in the will.

Once I was done bathing that stubborn runt, I call a pig, I fed him the leftover corn flakes, as promised. With that said, I had to make a trip to the Pinedale Market, to buy some more corn flakes, milk, and pancake mix.

"Girls, I'm heading on to the market!" I announced. "Y'all behave, while I'm out, and don't let anyone into the house!"

"Yes, Mama!" they both said in unison.

"Without a moment to spare, I got into my car, and drove on down to the Pinedale Market, along a bumpy, dirt road. Dippin Snuff was playing on the radio. A lot of cigarette butts were scattered all over the front seat, as Cletus was a heavy smoker, and I never had the chance to dispose of them.

I just wish those two girls of mine would behave themselves, and get along. Being a single mother ain't easy.

A/N Hey, guys! What did you think of this first chapter? What do you think of Betty, Willie, Pamela May, and Debby Sue? Don't be a silent reader! Please show some love and support by voting, leaving feedback, and sharing this book with others! Thanks, guys! Love you all! 💙💙💙💙💙💙😘😘😘😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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