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                                                         "Hyunjin's gone."

     It had been a couple of days since Hyunjin apologized and everything was back to normal. Felix and Hyunjin were being close, and they still went out to that field every once in a while, to test Hyunjin's abilities. 

     As a matter of fact, they were out there right now. "What else can I do?" Hyunjin asks storm, as the 8 of them are standing in the field. "We've covered basic lightning strikes and using lightning to warm things up. The only other things are the advanced skills." Storm explains. Hyunjin makes an 'mhm' sound to show that he understands, and Storm continues," These skills aren't easy though, kid, you could get hurt." He clarifies, and Hyunjin freezes, and the others do the same. They could hear Storm since Hyunjin was in his lightning form.

     Hyunjin had to get use to his form since the lightning only in his eyes still stung. "You sure you wanna try these?" Storm asks, and the others look at Hyunjin with worried faces, they really didn't want him to get hurt. "Yes." Hyunjin says hesitantly. "Okay, relax your body and lift your hands in front of you, focus on the electric feeling in your palms. You should be able to create a ball of electricity that you can throw at an opponent." Storm says. "That sounds awesome!" Jeongin exclaims. But the others were just worried.

     "Kid." Hyunjin hears Storm say, "Yeah?" He replies. "Be careful." Storm says. Hyunjin sighs, relaxing his body and opening his hands in front of him. His hands started to burn, and his head hurt but he made nothing of it. He was blocking out all off the sounds that were coming from around him and he didn't even know it. "Kid... op"., "...jin Stop!"

     He couldn't bring himself to stop almost like his body was being controlled. All of a sudden, he felt himself shaking and his eyes shot open. Chan was in front of him shaking his body, and Felix was beside him holding his hands. Hyunjin could see Chan and everyone else moving their mouths and yelling at him, but he couldn't hear them. He looked down at his hands that were being held by Felix's and saw how red his hands were. The blood that was dripping from his nose was leaking into his mouth, and the metallic taste was nauseating.

     "...jin, Hyunjin!" He hears, and he looks up from his hands to see Felix looking like he was about to cry. Chan quickly grabbed Hyunjin and pulled him into a tight hug, the others quickly joined.

    "Yeah, so promise you'll never do that again?" Chan asks after everyone backs away from the hug. "Promise." Hyunjin says. But knowing the long-haired boy...

     His fingers were crossed behind his back.

     Back at Hyunjin's place, the group was watching a movie together, and Felix found an icepack that Hyunjin put on his hands while he was looking for ice cream in the taller boy's freezer. It was nearing midnight, and everyone was fast asleep on the couches and even the floor. Hyunjin took the ice pack off of his hands and walked to his room over to his closet. He slipped on a sweatshirt and his converse and quietly opened the front door.

     It was a long walk to the field, but it would be a while till the others woke up, and he couldn't risk taking the car since they would suspect something if the car was missing. The walk was about an hour and a half long and Hyunjin was already tired enough as it is. Once he got into the middle of the field, he felt his head aching and immediately clasped his hands over it. "Kid you're working your body way too hard." Storm says, trying to get Hyunjin to stop.

     "Don't worry I won't do anything we haven't tried already." Hyunjin says. The boy starts to do what he failed to do hours ago, holding his hands out in front of them and feeling his palms tingle. But sure enough, what happened started happening again, the loss of hearing, the burning sensation in his fingertips.  

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