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                                  "Let him do what he has to do."

     Hyunjin fiddles with his sleeve in the darkness while everyone else is asleep. Honestly, he was really starting to think that this whole having powers thing wasn't so cool after all.

     He sits at Felix's bedside, just... looking. Looking at how peaceful Felix seems to be while he's sleeping. Hyunjin realizes, he can't be afraid anymore. He can't cry so easily, he can't be so afraid, he can't be so... so weak. Not anymore.

     The long-haired boy slips his ring off of his finger and slides it onto Felix's. He sighs, "Okay. Let's go."

     Hyunjin stands up and grabs his clothes so he can change out of the hospital gown. He walks over to a wall and sets his hand on it, "This lightning pierces, sharp as a dart. The warmth you feel comes from my heart." He whispers. Figuring everyone was asleep, he uncomfortably changes his clothes and then wanders out into the dark hallways of the hospital.

     "We still have time." Hyunjin says.

     "Don't get yourself killed, idiot."

     "I won't if you stop acting like you have a stick up your ass and teach me something I can use."

     "And you tell me to watch my language..."

     Hyunjin laughs quietly and walks out the door of the hospital, "We can't go to the field, entity 443 might be waiting there."

     "Go behind your boyfriend's house, he won't be there."

     "Felix is not my boyfriend."

     "But you wish he was~" Storm says in a sing-song tone.

     The boy sighs and picks up his pace, jogging to Felix's house. Once he gets there, he walks behind the apartment into a smaller but manageable grassy area. Since when was Storm this sassy, Hyunjin thinks.

     After recapping some of his basic skills, Storm begins to teach him the first skill he wasn't able to do. "Treat this like your life depends on it. Because it does." Hyunjin sighs, calming his senses, like nothing else was there but him. It was pitch black, but instead of being afraid of the dark, he had to embrace it.

     He felt calm, but in the everlasting void of darkness, there was a spark. Then a bolt of lightning. And when Hyunjin opened his eyes from the slight tingling sensation of his hands, there was a ball of lightning sitting right in the palm of his hand. "It wouldn't hurt to throw it right? Felix's building already looks like shit."



     Hyunjin takes a deep breath and aims straight for the window of his building. He throws the ball, and it lands smack dab in the middle of the glass, shattering it into small pieces. "Good job kid." Hyunjin couldn't help but quietly scream with excitement. The rest of the skills were quite easy for him, which came as a surprise to Storm.

                                               Back at the hospital

     Felix's eyes flutter open, and all he sees is pitch black. The boy starts to get nervous, but as his vision adjusts to the darkness he calms down. He feels something on his ring finger and slowly lifts his hand up to see Hyunjin's ring on his finger. His eyebrows furrow in confusion, but when he moves his other hand, he hears something rustle inside of it. He grabs the piece of paper out of his hand and opens it, squinting so he could read the writing on it...

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