In The Past 1

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Alright so a lot of books here on wattpad have flashback or chapters set in the past so I thought I do one so you know what has happened in your lives. Also there will be more than just one In The Past chapter.

You were sleeping in your crib that was inside Shaak Ti's room as she didn't want you in a separate one so she can keep a close eye on you. Whilst In a deep dark sleep, you were shivering and started crying. It had been one week since Shaak Ti had took you in but currently she was in a meeting with other council members. The conversation between her and the council was about you and something doctors had found in your blood which was apparently necessary for your survival. Except when doctors wanted to use the blood for experiments, Shaak Ti denied and the council backed her up as well stating they could not use blood from a baby who needs it. They did however let trusted scientists find out what the thing in your blood was. What they had found however was two teeth and other predator blood contaminating your blood. The blood was of different wolves and the teeth that were from different two different species of wolves as well. The Lunian Howler and The Nightmarous Destroyer. This concerned the Jedi but they were kept in you as the will of the force told them to. A good thing about the blood is that it made you immune to all diseases. Even extinct ones. The council and Shaak Ti like I said was discussing something.

Ki adi mundi: why should we let him in? He is a mysterious child that has different blood and two teeth in side of him. That is just strange.

Ayla Secura: But we can't leave him. He is only a baby and force sensitive.

Ki adi mundi: The child is to young to stay here in the order, he will grow attachment to one of us.

Shaak Ti: Maybe he needs Attachment

Mace Windu: what do you mean?

Shaak Ti: if he is what we think he is, if someone who has a deep connection with him could calm him down when he loses it.

Kit Fisto: I agree with Shaak Ti

Plo Koon: as do I

Yoda: allow him to stay I do. Supervise him, who will?

Shaak Ti: I will Master Yoda and before I leave to check up on him. If he becomes a Padawan learner, I would like to be his master and help him.

After some time all the council members have come an agreement, the answer making her shake by the minute.

Mace Windu: So it has been decided, the boy will be allowed attachments and to stay in the order under your care then your training as his master.

Shaak Ti: Thank you masters

Yoda: your welcome.

Shaak Ti turns away and go to her room where her future Padawan is.

Thanks for reading this chapter chapter and I hope you have enjoyed. Next chapter we will get on the action and who the new Sith Lord is. Does anyone have any name suggestions for the Sith. I kinda need help. Well thanks for reading and I will see you in the next chapter. Good bye.

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