Chapter 1: sibling acquired

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The room was small far too small for the boy sat at the table in the center. an older man sat across from him. This man did not look like a man at all; he looked like a werewolf of some sort, a sharply dressed one at that. The man looked at a clipboard in his hands and then to the small six eard boy across from him, the boy was holding his tail, his amethyst eyes locked on the ground he looked no older than 16.

"Hm, you're smart for a high school dropout, Elaine!" The door behind the man opened and a girl who looked early similar to the boy walked in. Her hair was more pink then the boys dull purple hair but their eyes were almost the same. The only difference was the boy had dark purple sclera instead of white. The girl, Elaine, was dressed in an almost marching band like outfit in full black with some silver accents.

"Is he to be my protege mr sander?" She looked at the cowering boy with the smallest bit of pity on her face. Sander stood up, handing her the clipboard as he did.

"He is you both have a lot in common I believe you'll get along" with that he left the room leaving Elaine with the boy. She looked at him again and then at the clipboard reading over his information.

"Your name is Tang yun?" He nodded, not looking up from the ground. Elaine sighed, taking off her hat and placing it on the boy's head.

"Cheer up kid, it's not as bad here as it may sound and if it makes you feel any better I can be your big sister" she had read about tang yun's brother and knowing the feeling of a sibling leaving you she had an instinct almost to take this scared little boy under her wing from the rain. Tang Yun looked up moving the hat so he could, Elaine was only four years older than him, it wasn't the same as his twin brother if anything it was better.

"I can?" "Ya I know how it feels to have your sibling leave you for the opposite side birds of a feather stick together" she held out a hand to him yun grabbing it almost immediately. A smile crossed Elaine's lips as she pulled him up out of the chair.

"You can keep the hat"
"Ya it can help hide your ears when in public"

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