Chapter 6: the truth

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The sun showed through the window stinging the eyes of the lavender haired boy making him wake from his slumber. His hair was a mess of tangled knots, his clothes messed up from his sleep but wait, this wasn't Tang Yun's room, not his bed or clothes. Frantic he looked around realizing he was still in red boi or Cody's apartment but why was he in different clothes? It was all a blur did they actually do it no he would have remembered that or possibly had marks and his porcelain skin was in marked. He got up out of the bed, his hat and filet set on the nightstand, he put on his crescent moon filet and left the room the smell of scrambled eggs hitting him like a train.

"Hm? Oh you're awake! I made breakfast if you're hungry" Cody was in the kitchen. It was small and connected to the living room. A short wall and pillar separated the two rooms but you could still see into each from both rooms. He was just as much of a mess and tang yun red hair pulled back in a mess ponytail kinda like how Jacob does his hair, an apron thrown over his pajamas orange cat slippers covering his feet.

"Thanks but um what happened last night why am I in different clothes, d-did we?"

"Oh that's easy, no we didn't" Cody spun the spatula in his fingers while leaning on the counter. "You passed out on the couch so I got some spare clothes woke you up so you could change but you where still kinda out of it but even so I lead you to the bedroom so you could sleep and then I slept on the couch" he shrugged just as a timer went off

"Oh breakfast done!" He was a sweet compared to the guys at the shadow decree, at least Jacob and Long Mian were Yun's friends but so was Cody now. Hun to a seat at a bar stool on the living room side of the divider it acts as a table in a way. He watched as Cody grabbed two plates and shoveled the scrambled eggs and some bacon yun hadn't even noticed on to the two plates before surviving him his food. Cody hopped on to the counter for his seat.

"You know it's hard to think your a rockstar"
"You live like a normal person" yun was making Cody think ,was he normal?

"I wouldn't say that I do train with the esper union after all plus the esper of nezha is my best friend so-" yun spat out his food not out of disgust but surprise


"Um ya?" Tang yun hadn't heard about li ling for a while. He disappeared from the shadow decree a while back and no one knew why. He broke Long Mian's heart with that stunt. Li Ling was a traitor and his best friend didn't even know it.

"Sorry just haven't heard about him in a long time" yun went back to eating all this was to much for him to process first off he is now friends with the most popular DJ in the city, he almost slept with him, the DJ is apparently best friends with a traitor and it was only 10 in the morning.

"You look like you need some coffee"

"Oh yes please" Cody put his plate down and went to the fridge which was a bit odd. Maybe he had ice coffee? No, he took out what looked like a jello cup and threw it to tang yun who easily caught it.

"I don't get the real deal but coffee jelly is what keeps me going. Go on , give it a shot" he passed yun a spoon with a cheeky grin. Yun took the spoon looking over the label making sure there wasn't any stone fruit since he was allergic. With a shrug he opened the cup. It definitely smelled like coffee. A bit hesitant he took a bite and absolutely melted it was really good.

"Heh looks like someone like it" Cody chuckled and got back on the counter with his food. Yun kicked his feet a bit, his tail wagging and ears pricked up.

"It's amazing! Dare I say and my brother would kill me for this, it's better then pudding" he said taking another bite and making the redhead laugh. It was that cute laugh again that made yun blush.

"You got siblings?" Cody asked Tang yun who quickly finished chewing, to answer.

"Ya a twin brother and an adopted older sister who you'll actually be able to meet" the last part sounded odd to cody what did yun mean by that?

"I will?" He asked hun making a face that tells he fucked up.

"Well um I was actually at the concert for work but got distracted"


"My boss is interested in your esper ability and wanted me to bring you to him but I got distracted and now I have till tonight or I fail my mission and someone else probably someone less friendly is sent after you." Now it was Cody's turn to need to process all that was told to him. If it wasn't for him mentioning his esper ability he would have thought tang yun worked for some kind of record company.

"You don't work for the union. I would know you then so you must be a shadow decree member." Cody asked Yun, who nodded hesitantly.

"I am I'm just a shadow guard though nothing special I'm sorry"

"Don't be, I'm a neutral party for a reason I don't agree with either side personally, I believe as espers we should all be fighting together to get rid of the mirrormon, not as two different factions so you can bring me to your boss but it won't end well" Cody looked down at his food his morning dampened by this news.

"Hey I'm sorry if I upset you even if something happens we can still be friends" yun put the jelly cup down not wanting to upset Cody anymore. He reached a hand over gently patting his head and to his surprise the other leaned into his hand.

"I'd like that but I don't think the union will." He sighed going back to eating so it wasn't a waste of food. Yun gave it some thought Cody was a neutral party who didn't belong to any factions so him floating between wouldn't be that bad.

"You're a neutral party so there shouldn't be any issues" yun finished his food and went to wash his plate and put it away. Despite both the boys being practically gods among humans they themselves were still normal people just with powers. This was a bit of a comforting thought for them both.

The two hang out the rest of the day until it was time for them to leave for the hideout of the shadow decree. Elaine waited outside for the two confused as to why her little brother was here at such a lavish apartment complex. She was a bit worried about what happened. Did he get hurt and was brought here tang yun hadn't told her his plans Elaine had no clue he went to the concert all she knew was he made a big purchase for the mission. When the two came out Cody was wearing casual clothes a red cardigan, plain white t-shirt and black comfy pants meanwhile tang yun was back in the clothes he left his apartment in.

"So this is the famous red boi?" Elaine was leaning on her car, arms crossed over her chest. Cody chuckled, waving a hand.

"Yup that's me but ya can just call me Okumura"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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