i can't be anything more
than what you see
a sweetened version of your
utmost desiresflourishing only to please
people like you and everyone
everyone around me
as i take, take, takeand take the pain you hold
inside your wretched hearts
i soak in the blood
and the tears you shedbeat me, thrust into me
use me like i am nothing
but that
thati will make you happy
until you no longer need me
and the day will come
as it always doeswhen you find someone better
whom you wouldn't treat as unfairly
as you have treated meand i will smile
i will greet her with open arms
for i have taught you everything
everything you needed to know
to keep her aroundheld her place
while she ventured into the unknown
until you found her at your doorstep
where you once found me
but threw me out ofi will be happy
for you,
i will