We Don't Need The Sun When We Got You

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Disclaimer this is my AU

In this AU Mikey is known to be more turtle like then his brothers even though all of them act like turtles from time to time he just shows that side of himself more when stressed out, kinda like a coping mechanism.


It was almost morning and the turtles were still out in the middle of a big fight with Tiger Claw, Fishface, Rahzar, Bebop and Rocksteady. Each of the turtles were in there own fight with Leo against Tiger Claw, Raph pummeling Fishface, Donnie distracting Rocksteady and Bebop, and Mikey swiftly dodging Rahzar's attacks. Each brother was slowly becoming more and more exhausted by the second with Leo being anxious about what time it was seeing as the sun was slowly rising against the horizon.

"THAT'S IT I'M CALLING IT" Leo said as he threw down a smoke bomb. Each brother quickly made it down the fire escape and into the nearest manhole. As they all slowly walked the pathway home all that could be heard from miles was Raph's angered yelling.

"GOD DAMN IT LEO WE ALMOST HAD THEM" "We could have been killed Raph and on top of that it was almost sunrise we couldn't risk being seen by anybody" Leo said calmly "None of us would have been killed Leo" Raph said sarcastically "Actually any of us could have been killed especially me since I was against TWO PEOPLE NEED I REMIND YOU" Donnie said annoyingly "Any of us could have taken two people at once, I mean even Mikey could have, ain't that right Mikey... Mikey"

When all the turtle brothers turn around and noticed that one certain turtle was not with them they all kind of lost their marbles, especially if he's the one that usually gets lost the most in the sewers. "MIKEY WHERE THE SHELL ARE YA" Raph said yelling in the background "Are you picking up anything Don" "yep, it says here that he's just around the-" "GUYS I FOUND HIM" Donnie had rolled his eyes as both him and Leo started heading into the direction they heard Raph's voice.

When they got there they were in a small dead-end room with a sewer greats on the ceiling shining lights perfectly on the floor and a certain orange clad brother. "Hey Mike are you okay" Raph said in the most calming voice they've ever heard him have. The only thing that could be heard was a few chirps and churr from their littlest brother "Oh buddy, don't tell me all that fighting stressed you out" Leo said knowing very well that is exactly what happened. In response Mikey made a low sad sounding purr as he gently laid his head on Leo's outstretched hand.

As Donnie got closer Mikey quickly snatched their arm and pulled them to the ground right under the great and curled himself onto Donnie's legs so that they were stuck there. "Wow D, I never took ya for the type to sit around and cuddle" Raph said snickering "well Raphael since you're being so snarky today I think it's best that you join them" Leo said as he pushed his brother under the light that was being made by the sewer great.

After a minute of everybody getting comfortable, Leo finally joined the party and sat behind Donnie. "You guys do know we could just go home and I can set up a heat lamp above our nesting bed right" Donnie said annoyingly, but you can hear the relaxed sigh coming from them as they laid agents Leo "Wow Don, and I thought it was you who said that we needed more vitamin-D" Raph said lazily "Shhh let's just enjoy this."

621 words

I'll make sure that they all have a chance with the spotlight, but for now here's this.

Full picture from Google

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