Month 2

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Narrator:It has been 2 months since the loss of Logan Willow Walker. *In my Au Logan was a girl but if he wanted to get into the Ghosts,He had to be male,so he became a male.And his female name is Leah Willow Walker.*

Hesh pov: I miss you brother...I was in Logan's room when I heard someone come in and I was in his walk in closet. "Who is coming in",I said. I was answered by no one other than Keegan..I was a little upset when he came in to the closet." Why are you here?" I asked. Keegan answered saying "I came in here to soak up his sent and the memories we had because I miss him too." Why did you come to get his sent by the way? Oh because his sent always made me feel a little relaxed and calm. .......

*after talking about Logan for a bit*.....*Merrick* HESH!! KEEGAN!!! WHERE ARE YOU TWO?! *Hesh* WE ARE IN LOGAN'S ROOM!!! *Merrick walks in to see them on Logan's bed with Riley* You two really need to stay out of here to help you feel better. *Keegan* I know but he means the world to me Merrick! *Keegan is talking about Logan* He was the only one that made me laugh and smile! *Merrick* I know Keegan but It's time to let him go ok,We have missions to go anyway.*thinking* Hope fully that will help get their minds off of Logan for a bit.

*They leave for their missions and after they all get back* *Soap* So who's making lunch? Logan....oh right.*looks down* Sorry. *Merrick can't take all of this bullshit about Logan* *Merrick* CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT UP FOR ONCE PLEASE!!! YOU GUYS NEED TO JUST FORGET ABOUT LOGAN!!! I KNOW LOGAN'S GONE BUT WE NEED STOP ACTING LIKE LITTLE BABIES!!! *Merrick is growing with anger* *Hesh* DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT AGAIN MERRICK!! NEVER!! NO HESH, YOU ALL NEED TO FORGET ABOUT LOGAN BEING MISSING AND POSSIBLY DEAD!! ALL YOU GUYS WANNA DO IS WHINE LIKE BABIES! *Hesh* DON'T SAY THAT!! *tears are now falling down Hesh's face because of what Merrick said about Logan and with anger* YOU KNOW WHAT I'M DONE IF YOU WANT TO APOLOGIZE I WILL BE IN LOGAN'S ROOM!! * walks away anger and slams Logan's door shut*

*A few hours pass by Ghost made everyone something to eat and left a plate for Hesh at Logan's door* *Ghost* You really should apologize to Hesh, Merrick.. *Merrick* Wh-Fine.*walks over to Logan's door and knocks* Hey Hesh I'm sorry for yelling and say those mean things about Logan earlier. * No one answers,By the way a suggestion if you are reading this listen to Another Love, By Tom Odell or play another sad song, Play the one hour one* Hesh? You ok? *hmm no answer. I know it's my fault for yelling at Hesh earlier. I just hope he will forgive me.* He didn't answer.

Narrator: Hesh is running to Elias' grave to talk to him. *Hesh* Hey dad if you could take me to Logan that would be great, but I know you can't because you're not here anymore. I bet if you were on that train and beach you wouldn't have let that happen to Logan..*sighs and gets up to walk back, He hears someone's voice. It sounds so so recognizable... It was Elias talking to Hesh* *Elias* Listen Hesh don't give up on the search for you sister,ok. *Hesh* D-dad?! I won't ever give up on Logan,for you and mom.

so this is the end of Month 2 so ya

That was 604 words dang!

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