The Walker Russ Family part 3

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This is part 3 of The Walker Russ Family story. I worked on the last two chapters at 10-pm to midnight 1 hour for each. I'm really tired but I will make the next one soon. I'm trying to make up for the last few days! Lets get to the story!

Keegan's dad got up from the couch and waked to Logan. "You touch Keegan I'll rip your head off with my own two hands." Logan's translator said. Keegan's dad pulled Logan off of Keegan's lap. "You do not get to tell me what to do you little shi-" Keegan's dad started to say before getting cut off. Logan had slapped him so hard his cheek started to bleed. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Keegan's dad yelled before hitting Logan. Keegan picked up Logan. "You're ok right?!" Keegan said nervelessly holding Logan. Logan put his nose back in place and then tried to attack Keegan's dad. Keegan held Logan back so he wouldn't kill them.

After a few minutes Keegan took Logan's hand and walked angrily out the door. Nat was behind him and Logan. "KEEGAN WAIT FOR ME!" She yelled running for her brother. Keegan saw his sister running towards him with a suitcase. "Please take me with you." She said while tears fell down her face. Keegan took his sister's hand. "You can stay with us until you get a job ok." Keegan said pulling her and Logan into a hug. Keegan drove to a hospital to make sure Logan and the baby were ok. The doctor said "Nothing wrong with either Logan or the baby." Keegan took them back to their house. Logan lead Nat to a spare room near theirs.

Keegan walked into the spare room to see Logan and Natalia talking. Nat was talking about when Keegan and her were little kids. And about how he would show her what he learned, being a big brother. "He was one of the best big brothers. Do you have any siblings?" Nat said to Logan. " Oh yea I have an older brother. His name is David or Hesh. He should be here or somewhere near." Logan answered Nat. Keegan could feel a smile enter his face something that only happened when he was near Logan. Keegan walked into the room pulling Logan onto his lap. "So Nat you have any one yet?" Keegan asked letting off a evil smile. "How dare you!" Nat said looking him in the eyes. 

Logan got up and walked out of the room to see who was coming in. When he saw Hesh playing with Sammy and Laura it brought back memories when he and Hesh were kids. "You guys are back?" Merrick said while hiding something. "Whats wrong with us being back to our house?" Logan said walking up to Hesh and Merrick. Hesh pulled Logan onto the ground carefully. "What maybe we wanted to play with the kids some more." Hesh said while ruffling Logan's hair. Sammy jumped onto Logan. "MAMA!" Sammy said hugging Logan. "Hey logan who's suitcase?" Kick asked. "Oh that is Keegan's sisters stuff." Logan said looking at Kick.

Skip to the next day. Ghost and Logan were in the kitchen baking some muffins for breakfast.

I really have no ideas for this chapter I will try to make more but I'm getting really tired of Cod Ghosts. Sorry, I will try to make another chapter when I have Ideas. I will be working on my other stories. I will be working on The Cod One-shots and my Ninjago one-shots.

Word count is :597! Wow so not like my other chapters.

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