10. S2 Ep 4 (short 138) Ep 6 (short 146, 147,148)

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The Semester is coming more to a close. It's awesome. Just after the 3rd years ceremony of graduating, Kaidou pulled pranks on April fools and Nendou believed him. Then Saiki messed up by using his powers in front of Kaidou. I mean of course Kaidou doesn't know just a camera stopped midair and the book to. But it still was fine. Then the ghost incident. Then there's the first year that made Teruhashi as an Enemy. Saiki was able to let me hear her thoughts to watch the action. The drama. It was spring. One of my favorite times of the year. I walked into the school. Downside is that people are sneezing up a storm. I don't get sick as often. I do control plants so pollen can't get to me. I feel people liking and hating spring because of allergies. I notice Saiki popping a pill every few hours and keeping his mask on. Must be allergies to. Break started and I went to see Rei-chan. I found him eavesdropping on some girls. I gave him an earful. I swear. He apologized after getting me a snack. I waved bye to him to head back to class and wait for it to start again. I walked down the hall to see Saiki blow a hole in the wall after sneezing. I hear footsteps coming our way. On instinct I made pollen surround us, so they won't see.

"Ack, my eyes are all itchy!" 

"My nose won't stop twitching and sneezing!" I grab his arm to make him look at me. Fix it.

"This is pollen, isn't it?!" He fixed the hole, and I dragged him away from the chaos I created. I took him to the bathroom. I pulled him in.

"Are you okay Saiki?" He nodded. 

"Thank you." I looked through my bag. Found them. I pulled out the allergy pills. I gave them to him. "Take them. I usually carry some just in case Rei-chan gets allergies during the season to." He instantly popped one into his mouth. I pulled out the small bag of marshmallows I had. "Take these to just in case. It'll help with the allergies to." He looked at me confused. "Trust me. Now let's wait a minute till we know you're not making another hole in the wall."

"Of course."

"So do you make holes when you sneeze?"

"No. I break things every time I sneeze. Broke my dad's stuff this morning. Was planning to leave early but Nendou kept following me to watch me sneeze."

"Sounds like Nendou," I giggled out.  He nodded. "Glad you're feeling better."

"Thanks for the help with the distraction."

"Of course, Saiki. Okay I'll head back. I'll see you in class." I walked out smiling. 


I stood up from the small outpost we have at school. Most breaks I stay here. Being outside helps. I look down at my wrist seeing my bracelet. It is a nice gift. It calms me and reminds me of peace. Of Saiki. He did make this. Even gave me this necklace. I have it hidden under my uniform. I ran my hand through my hair. I should be getting back. I do want to talk to Aren for a bit. He's basically my best friend. I mean he was the first friend I actually had in a long time. I got up and started to head back inside. I wonder what I should eat. Maybe pork puns. 

"O Toritsuka there you are. Perfect. Do you want to join on Saiko's cruise ship? We are spending the weekend with each other, and it'll be awesome if you joined!" Aren said walking up to me.

"I don't know. In the middle of the ocean?" As much I can control elements, I do like the ground being near plants.

"Do you want to join?" Aren asked me again. I gave him a smile.

"Sure." And that's how I was walking next to Nendou on the docks. We meant up with everyone and its nighttime. 

"I didn't think we'd be departing at night."

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