15. S2 Ep 21 (short 224)

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It's Valentine's Day and I forgot. Well, the next day after Valentines Day. I watched as Kaidou walked up to Aren about walking home with Yumehara since their best friends now as well. Aren looked confused and explained what Yumehara did for him yesterday while showing him the letter. I felt the sadness aura surround Aren. He put up a smile and said sure.

"We should get going and catch up. Yumehara must be waiting for us."

"Go ahead. I'll catch up. I just have to pack as well." Kaidou nodded and left. Everyone started to leave until we were the only 2. Aren hasn't moved since Kaidou left. I walked up to him. 


"O sorry. I have to...." I know this look. I shook my head no. Aren must have known I couldn't buy his happy act. 

"You know. I missed walking with you. Maybe we can walk together today. I'm sure Kaidou doesn't mind." I know what I said would hurt but it looked like it gave an excuse for Aren to send the text he wanted.  He pulled out his phone and sent a text. 

"How about we wait till they leave then we go."

"Yea. Let's just wait a bit till they leave." We walked out to the hall to look out the window. We waited till we saw them. I feel Aren's emotions. I see him bold his hands but set it into his pockets. 

"Aren." He still watched them. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Aren." He looked at me. 

"Right sorry. Let's go." He started to walk but I grabbed his hand and lead him to the roof. 

"Hey (Y/n) why are we going to the roof?"

"Cause you're about to cry." He looked at me stunned but some tears did fall off his face. He let them fall. I dragged him to the wall for him to sit. I sat next to him and waited. 

"Sorry you had to see me like this."

"It's okay."

"How did you know?"

"You looked so down and lo-"

"Not that....... How did you know you liked guys?" I was surprised about the question. 


"Sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's okay. Just... Surprised. It's okay. It's kind of hard to explain. I denied it for a while. Most people stayed away because I was the brother of a pervert, so they assumed I was to. I was alone most of the time. Girls at my old school.... We're so mean and picked on each other. Most I hear them would use boys. I mean there was some nice one's, but I couldn't like them. I just thought I never found the one. But then while I was eating alone a boy came to sit next to me. After that we started to hang." Of course, I was confused why someone would eat lunch with me. "I was going through a lot..... It was after a couple weeks I was attracted to him." Even if I was on the pills, I was able to feel something. It just blocked me copying other emotions. And the power still confused me back then because I didn't know that emotion of fakeness yet. "More than I have ever in a girl. It's just how you find them attractive in a way either in emotional or physical form. I could only like them in emotional way. I tried liking a girl, but I couldn't. Knowing how girls are to. Not in a bad way just.... They are more different, and I guess how they treated my brother. I couldn't. Maybe I could like a girl but after years I prefer more guys than girls. Sorry I mumbled way."

"No, it's okay. I kind of get it. What happened between you and that boy?"


"You said you liked the boy. Did you ever tell him?" I looked down.

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