Twenty-Four: The Bench

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CHAPTER WARNINGS: Smut, 18+, Minors DNI, Oral (F. Receiving)

Jasmine tea, as Alis said rather determinedly, cures all ills

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Jasmine tea, as Alis said rather determinedly, cures all ills. This one, however, you weren't sure could be cured by a simple cup of tea.

The pain subsided almost as quickly as it had come, only after you told it to stop, to leave.

Leave me alone, I don't want you here. Leave me alone, I don't want you here. Leave me alone, I don't want you here.

You repeated it over and over, even after that ache had dissipated from your chest and the nausea had all-but left your stomach. But you could still feel its power, feel its draw in the very pits of your soul, hiding beneath your skin. Pushing you toward it, telling you to embrace it.

Let me give you power. Let me help you. Embrace me. Touch me. Touch me. Touch me.

"What can I do?" Alis asked, concern written across her wood-like features. You hadn't left the fireside since they'd dressed you, nursing that tea in shaking hands, that woollen blanket still wrapped around your shoulders. "Do you want me to go and find Master Lucien? Or Lord Tamlin?"

"No!" You said, perhaps a little too quickly, catching her off-guard. "Sorry, I think-I think I just need some food."

Alis narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to speak, but Carla got there faster. "Breakfast will be ready by now. You should go down and get a plate."

You glanced at her in surprise; she hadn't said even one word to you since before your trip to the Day Court, no doubt terrified of the power that you wielded. You didn't blame her - you were rather terrified of it too.

Alis helped you descend the stairs, and for a moment you were thrown back to your very first day in the Spring Court. To your first meal with Tamlin and Lucien, to Alis helping you down the stairs, your form shaking and aching. Who knew that five years later you would come full circle.

The dining room was empty besides Lucien sitting in his usual seat. He looked up as Alis and you approached, and as soon as you saw him you let go of Alis' hand, leaning against the wood of the tabletop instead, hoping to play off your fragile frame as tiredness. You hobbled along toward him, and one glance over your shoulder told you that Alis had already disappeared through the door and back upstairs, likely to clean the floor of your washroom now that she knew you were in good hands.

When you found yourself beside him, about to perch in the seat next to him, his hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you down so that you were sitting in his lap. You tried to ignore the ache that it brought to your weak limbs, not wanting to worry him.

"Where are Tamlin and Feyre?" You asked quietly, voice a little croaky, although Lucien didn't seem to notice. "Surely it's not a good idea to be so open around them?"

"They'll be down shortly I'm sure," he said around a smirk. "But they're not here yet."

"Yes, but-"

"I don't see them," he said, humourlessly glancing around the room as if searching for the couple that he could not see. "Do you?"

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