Chapter 1.

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Resident evil 5
                       **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Jill Valentine.

My best friend of many years, she joined the BSAA to stop the Umbrella corporation after what they've done. I joined years later for my parents, they died at Raccoon City and I want to bring them Justice. She's been partners with a guy named Chris Redfield before I joined. We all got along and went on plenty of missions together.
But this I wish we just backed down.

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"Alright this is the place." Chris says as we made our way closer. "This has to be a castle, it's so huge." I said amazed and Jill smiled at me. "Remember how we dreamt about being princesses!" "Let's discuss the princess talk after our mission." Chris says, "Lame." I mumbled and Jill giggled. We made it to the entrance and I got to work on pick opening the lock,

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"Chris to HQ, come in. We're at the targets location." Chris says, "Copy that, Chris. Move in and procure the target." "Roger that."
"What can you tell us about the area?" Jill asked, "The satélite scan isn't showing anything out of the ordinary but regardless, you should expect the unexpected." "Understood." Jill said.
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"Got it open." I said as I stood up and we got our guns ready. "Let's move." Chris says as we entered."Woah this fancy." I said, "Can't lie, this place does look kinda cool." Chris says, "Showing your princess side, huh?" I teased, "And you ruined the mood." He says and I smiled.

We were going to go up the stairs when a soldier fell down, dead. As we kept walking more men were found dead.

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"Eagle 6 to Nest. Do you read?" Chris asked, "We read you, Eagle 6. Go ahead." "We found some men down. Judging by their wounds, it looks like they were physically assaulted. I figure they're probably Spencer's security. Lord only knows what killed them." "Roger that. We know this mission wouldn't be a cakewalk. Use extreme caution."
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"Something tells me, we're just getting started." I said, "Couldn't agree more." Chris says and we kept walking.

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We cautiously walked across a hall and stopped at a door. Jill and Chris on each side, me in the middle with our guns out. Chris gave us a sign and they burst open the door. We ran in and saw Wesker, we started to shoot at him but he kept blocking our bullets. He ran over to Chris and started to hit him. "Chris!" I yelled and tried to shoot Wesker but he was too fast. Wesker dropped Chris to the ground and ran over to me. I kept shooting but he grabbed me by the neck, choking me. "Get your hands off her!" Jill yelled and kept shooting him. He didn't let go but stopped when Chris punched him. I dropped to the ground gasping for air, Jill ran to me and I nod my head signaling that I'm okay. We helped Chris fight off Wesker but he was too strong. He threw me and Jill across the room and threw Chris near a window. I quickly got up and ran towards Wesker but he threw me to the ground again. "Y/N!" Chris yelled and Wesker picked him up,choking him. "No!" Jill yelled and then turned to me, "I love you Y/N, thank you for being my best friend." She says as she got up and ran towards Wesker.

"Jill? JILL!" I yelled as I got up and tried to stop her, but then saw her and Wesker fall out of the window. My heart stopped....everything stopped.
I quickly ran towards the window, "JILL! NO!" I yelled, Chris pulled me away but I kept fighting him. "Jill! No...." I cried and Chris held me. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Y/N." Chris whispered, I looked up at him and saw his hurt expression. "It's not your fault." I cried and he slightly nods as he blinked his tears away. Chris then reported to HQ about what happened. I looked down at the window, "Oh Jill...what am I suppose to do now.." I whispered as I wiped my tears.

I lost my best friend, she sacrificed herself to save Chris. Wesker is now dead, but at what cost....
"We have to go." Chris softly syas, i nod and did a quick glance back at the window. We made it to the car and the ride back to HQ was quiet.

We arrived and entered the building, "I'm sorry about your loss. Jill was a wonderful agent." A man came up to me. "Thank you.." i softly said, "The boss also sends his condolences. He said you can have the keys to her office. Again, sorry." He gave me the keys and left.

I made my way towards her office and unlocked the door. I looked around and sat on her chair. I saw that she had pictures of us when we were younger. I softly smiled but felt tears, I lay my head down and started to sob. "You can't be can't.." I cried. I heard the door open and I looked up. "Chris..?" I mumbled and quickly wiped my tears but my eyes were puffy. I stood up and walked towards him. "I'm sorry, I should of punched him or done something. It's my fault she's gone. I'm sorry Y/N." He says and I hugged him. "You couldn't do anything, she did what she thought was right. She wouldn't want you to blame know that." I said as I tried to control my emotions. Chris hugged back and I felt tears on my shirt.

"I'm sorry Chris..." I rubbed his back and we stood there, consoling each other.

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"We are here today of a loss of an amazing agent, Jill Valentine. She was a daughter, a friend and a hero. Rest in piece, Agent Valentine." The boss says and I went up on the stage. "Thank you all for coming. Jill w-- is my best friend...She's my motivation,most importantly family .." I said as I put my head down, feeling tears coming. "Y/N?" the boss asked. "Im...Im okay." I said and looked back up. "It seems like a nightmare, it happened all too fast. will be missed, thank you for everything. I love you.." My voice cracked as I started to cry. The ceremony went on and it started to get darker, people left until it was just me, sitting in front of Jill's grave.

"Everyone came to see you...they talked about you, good things of course. I would never let anyone talk bad about you." I then went quiet for a while. "Why Jill...Why!" I yelled, "Why! WHY!" I kept repeating as I punched the ground. "Why..." I sob, I wasn't angry at Jill. I could never be mad at her. I was angry at myself for not moving fast enough, for not thinking quickly. I looked at my fist and saw blood dripping off them, I looked at the grave, "I'll be strong for you Jill...I'll keep going for you." I said as I got up. "I'll be visiting, Goodnight Jill." I hugged her gravestone and started to walk to the car. As I got close, I started to see a figure in front of my car.

"The ceremony ended." I said as I walked towards the figure. "I know, I was waiting for you." Chris says. "Where the hell were you?" I angrily said,"Woah what happened to your hand" he asked. "I'll be fine, now my question"  
"At the ceremony. I promise, there's no way in hell I would miss this. I was just...hiding, your speech was heartwarming."   "Thank you, Would you want to go and see her?" I asked, "Already did, way before the ceremony. I just wanted to talk to her alone." He softly says and I nod. "Im sorry about everything Y/N...I really am." He continued and I held his hand. "Chris, its not all about me...You also suffered. Lets both be strong for Jill, okay?" I said and he held my hand. "For Jill." He says.

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I hope you all will enjoy this book about Chris. This book will be a lot more longer than Leon's and I'll try to update fast. Im excited to write this and I love reading your comments so please comment cause they make me smile!

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