(5) USJ

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Izuku's POV:

It's been a few months since Kaminari joined the league. He got into Class 1-A, thankfully, and became our full-time spy. We've gotten pretty close, me and Kaminari.

As I walk out of my room and go to the bar, I see Kaminari and Shigaraki graphing out what seemed to be some plan. "What the hell is going on here?" I question raising a brow.

Kaminari's head perks up, "Check this out!"

"We came up with this plan," Shigaraki starts talking, "On Friday, Class 1-A is going on a field trip to the USJ. All Might is going to be there and it's a perfect place to attack."

I smile excitedly and ask, "so, what's the plan?" They both look at each other unsure of themselves.

"That was the plan?" Kaminari said, but it sounded more like a question.

At first, I was disappointed that that's all they could think of, but then I remember that I'm the only one capable of making actual good schemes and plans. This actually works in my favor. I can come up with the perfect plan, like always, without interruptions or other people's stupid suggestions.

"Give me 10 minutes!" I say, "I'll come up with a thorough plan. Make sure nobody interrupts me until I'm finished."

I walk to my room and start writing. I make a layout of the USJ and all of it's different training zones.

This seems like the perfect time to use my pawns, better known as thugs who are all a royal pain in my ass.

I figured the best thing would be to split everyone up. I'll have Kurogiri teleport all the students to different parts of the USJ. I go through each student in Class 1-A and keep in mind their strengths/weaknesses while deciding where they should go.

I go through my journal and read the basic notes I have on the class so far.

There are a few that stand out to me.

Katsuki Bakugou - Quirk: Explosion, Allows him to excrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from his palms and ignite it at will to create explosions of various sizes.

I almost forgot, Kacchan got in. They accept people only for strength, not for personality, clearly. It does give me an advantage, though. My presence itself will serve as a distraction. I also have been studying him ever since we were little.

I have been paying him visits these past six years. He just doesn't know about them. My death apparently had a huge impact on him. I've never seen him so sad and helpless before, it makes me sick. He doesn't deserve the privilege to mourn me. He made my life a living hell. I will never forget that.

Nonetheless, I must face him at the USJ. I know him more than anyone else. I can predict his moves before he even lifts a finger. I just can't let my anger cloud my judgement. I have a goal, a goal to fix this corrupt world. I can't get ahead of myself and kill him, though. He's my key ingredient... I got a bit off track, what was I thinking about before? Oh, of course, I'm going to put him in the Downpour Zone. He needs to sweat in order to use his quirk, and how could he sweat when he's already drenched in cold water?

Yuga Aoyama - Quirk: Navel Laser, Allows him to fire sparkly twinkling laser beams from their navel. Acquired from All for One.

He works for league, yet he never mentioned his enrollment at UA to any of us. I'll need to have a small chat with him while I'm visiting. He would work well in the Mountain Zone, so I must avoid that. He will be his most vulnerable at the Downpour Zone where it would take up most of his energy preventing him from using his quirk effectively.

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