Chapter 2

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I slipped down an alleyway in the northern part of the city, close to the building locals called Villa Medici. This part of the city wasfar away from both my resting place and the street where I had encountered the woman last night. I rise with the setting sun and don't usually return to my shelter until dawn was close at hand,especially if I was being actively hunted.

Oddly enough, the streets immediately surrounding Villa Medici were the only ones Rome's group would not venture close to. It had provided me with an unusual safe sector that I used to monitor their movements elsewhere in the city and to hunt in. Of course, the fact that Rome's vampires wouldn't come near made me extra careful about covering up my kills when I feed from the area. There's a reason they don't go here and I don't want that reason to find me.

There were two vampires just a little south and west of me, seemingly stationary. They weren't too close to where I stayed during the day, so I ignored them for the moment. Another group of three was in that area as well. Other larger groups of four or five moved in a grid pattern to the south and east, closer to the center of the city.

I sighed. It was only two or three hours past sunset and it seemed my pursuers were already out searching for me in force. I thought about going after the two small groups I sensed to the west, but decided against it. I didn't want to risk drawing in more of the searchers to that area. Instead, I headed for the center of the city. If I timed it right, I would be able to pick off a unit or two of searchers. Someone would call for help, luring the smaller groups back into the city and I would disappear back the way I came.

As I drew closer to the numerous shops and homes that the searchers were in, I left the streets, instead using the rooftops to move about. I have excellent balance and am light on my feet, so I made no more noise than a small animal scurrying across the rooftops. My sight allowed me to see damaged or poorly constructed rooftops well ahead of time, ensuring my ability to avoid them.

Within a short time, I closed in on my quarry. It was a group of four men. I drew my blade to drop in on them when I noticed strange activity from others of Rome's group a dozen streets ahead. Two search parties were converging, one party of four and another of three like they had located their target. Except it wasn't me.

With a frown, I stretched out my telepathic senses, trying to figure out who would cause such a reaction. At first the energy I sensed was slightly fuzzy, but as I focused on it, I could clearly sense the woman I had encountered last night. Well, she was either a spy going to meet them, or she was about to have that encounter she said she hadn't wanted.

I hesitated, not sure what to do. I knew I could go back the way I came, no one being the wiser. I could also get closer and find out if that woman was really a part of Rome's group or not. But if she wasn't, then what? I had no idea.

As I slid my short sword back into its sheath, I knew I was too curious to turn back now. I accelerated across the rooftops, leaping from one to another, leaving my original quarry behind. I closed the distance quickly and by the time I was within hearing distance, one of Valentino's Council members was talking.

"...He hunts other vampires. He doesn't care who they are. Your ka-tet is in just as much danger from him as we are," the female Council member finished.

I stared down into the street below and saw the seven surrounding the red-haired woman from last night. I didn't move to intervene.Rome's vampires had just told her who I was. I knew what would happen next. She would give the direction where she had seen me.Satisfied, they would move northward, leaving her alone, and I would have to scramble to find a new resting place before dawn. I couldn't blame the woman. She hadn't known who I was and now that she knew,she would do what she felt she had to in order to protect herself.

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