Ω♡~*Chapter 5 *~♡Ω

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Sasuke's POV:

We arrived at a mall, of course, I was wearing a black hoodie and black shades, because I hated it when people started making crowds around me.

Anyways, as we entered the mall, Itachi kept on talking about Naruto. About how cute, loyal, and perfect he was. I was really pissed off that he knew him longer, but eh.

We entered a clothing store, Itachi wondered off to look for something Naruto might like, while I just stood near the entrance. I was looking out the glass window. There was some stores infront of the clothing store, and it was pretty easy to see what was going on in the other stores.

The first one it was a toy shop, some brats running around while others were crying, employees putting things in their place, complete chaos.

The second store was an arcade, or so I thought. I saw teenagers go in and out of the place, the inside was dark except for a blue lighting that was inside.

And the last store was another clothing store. There was some girls, women, some guys, and teenagers. One of the customers cought my eye. He was a blonde, a beautiful looking blonde. He had a dark blue hoodie on with some sweat pants, he was with some dark haired girl, probably his girlfriend. They were both laughing as they left the store.

As I kept my eyes on the blonde, I heard my name being called. I looked around and saw Itachi waving. But Itachi didn't only get my attention, he made a bunch of girls turn around as they heard my name being called.

I heard some girls say as they stopped doing whatever they were doing and started to look around.

I was hopping they wouldn't recognize me as I walked away from the glass window and headed to Itachi casually, not trying to get too many peoples attention.

When I made it safely up to Itachi I gave him a menacing look.

I yelled whispered to him.

"Sorry Sorry"

I rolled my eyes at him.

"What did you want me for, idiot?"

"Ah! Yes, I just called you to tell me which hoodie looks better"

Really. . . He just called me over for that. . .

He had two hoodies in hand, one orange with black, and the hood had little ears of the same color: black and orange. While the other was a dark blue hoodie, this one seemed a bit long, probably thigh high.

Actually, I wanted Itachi to buy the orange one. The hoodie looked so cute, but I can't let him see my soft side.

"They both look ugly, but the dark blue one is uglier."
I said trying to not sound suspicious.

"I do have to agree with you, I like the orange one more, I just love the little ears it has!"
He said in excitement.

As Itachi went to pay for the hoodie, I started looking around the store. Yeah, I guess it was a cool store.

As I was looking at the clothing, I found a hoodie that had "Sasuke Uchiha" I didn't mind because I knew that many people actually bought these, and well also because there was nothing wrong with my name being printed in a black hoodie. Then I saw a cap, it only had my name on it, but like the hoodie, I didn't find anything wrong with it.

I was looking around the store when soon I found out that somehow I was lost.

"Hello sir!"

I turned around as I heard a voice behind me

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