«•°§Chapter 12§°•»

701 19 13

Naruto's POV

I froze in place as I saw a tall man with rave hair, I couldn't believe it. I was too shocked to say or do anything.
After a couple of minutes I ran up to him and gave him a hug.

I couldn't believe this was happening, Sasuke Uchiha was here!! Then out of nowhere I started to cry, I pulled away from the raven haired man and gave my mother a tight hug. To be honest, I had totally forgotten about everyone.

I wiped my tears and grinned.
"Naru, why don't you take Sasuke with you?"
My mother said as she smiled. I simply nodded and dragged Sasuke out of the room. Neji and Shikamaru were behind us.

I quickly ran up the stairs and stood quietly outside my door. Sasuke, Neji, and Shikamaru looked confused, but when I opened the door they understood why.

Kiba and Gaara were fighting, Tenten was singing karaoke and Hinata was laughing like crazy. Chōji was just munching on some chips and Sai was laying down on my bed.

I entered the room and cleared my throat, nobody bothered to look at me.

I simply yelled.

Tenten turned the music off and quickly looked at me, Gaara and Kiba stopped yelling at eachother and turned their attention to where I was. Hinata looked up smiled.

"Good, now everyone. We have a special guest."

I pointed to the door and Sasuke simply waved.

"Is that-"

I didn't wait for Kiba to finish when I interrupted.


Hinata laughed.
"Why hello there Sasuke, hope you enjoy the party"

Shikamaru entered the room and sat down, Kiba went with Shikamaru and sat down next to him. Neji grabbed Sasuke by his sleeve and dragged him inside.

A few hours passed and the whole room was chaos.
Some more people had arrived, including two guys, one with reddish hair and the other with kinda gray-ish looking hair.

Ino yelled.

Gaara said, making the entire room turn their attention to him.

"What game? Are we going to get to fuck anyone?"
I said, I was a little drunk.

Someone brought alcohol and everyone started drinking it, Kiba kept insisting on for me to try it and I did.

"Hell yeah! I'm in!"
Kiba said as he placed a hand around my shoulders.

Ino yelled at me.

"Can weeee make ittttt the dirtyyyy typppeeee?"
I said with a big grin on my face.

Hinata laughed
"Narutooooo, YoUr half nakeddd"
She pointed at my outfit.

I started to laugh with her.
"I know~"

Sai looked like a strawberry. He was extremely red.

"Is this how he always gets?"
I heard someone ask.
I turned around and saw Sasuke. Kiba chuckled and shook his head.
"Nahhh this is his firstTttt timee"

Someone then opened the door. I stayed there until a blonde with long hair entered.

"Damn, you having a good time up here while I'm stuck down there with all the boring adults?"
The blonde asked.

I rubbed my eyes and smiled.
Everyone was whispered to themselves on who he was.

"Dei!!!! How comee I didn't knowwww you were coming???"
I asked as I made myself up to him, I almost tripped a couple of times.

"Naru? You've grown so fast"
He gave me a hug.

Deidara was one of my cousins. He didn't live in Konoha, but he came to visit.

"Dei! C'mon, I'm sure you're going to have fun here!"
I said as I looked at everyone who continued to do what they were doing. Except Sasuke.

"Woah! Who picked your outfit? You look like a slut"
He said as I almost tripped once again.

"Hmmm, it was Hinata. She said I needed to show some skin"
I walked up to the couch where Sasuke was. Deidara sat down, I didn't look behind I simply sat down but felt someone.

I had fallen on someone's lap!

"I'm sorry!" I said as I moved and burried my face on Deidara's arm.

The person chuckled
"It's ok, don't worry. I get that you're drunk"

I looked over and saw Sasuke! He looked so hot while he smiled.

I simply giggled and turned my attention to Deidara.

Some time had passed when I felt like I was going to pass out. I got up tumbling around and left my room. I opened a nearby window and stayed there.

Then the door to my room opened and saw Deidara. He looked concerned.

"Hey, are ok?"
He asked as he ruffled my hair.

I just nodded. Then we heard a toilet being flushed. We turned around and saw an older raven haired man exit the  bathroom.

I asked as I turned my whole body so I could face him.

"Hey Naru-"
He paused

I looked behind me, and saw that Deidara was looking at him. They both were turning pink. I giggled and left.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen. Karin was there.

"Hey Karin"
I said as I opened some cabinets.

"Hmm. What are you doing here?"
She asked.

"I'm looking for a snack, I'm a little hungry"
I replied.

She then left the kitchen.
I was still looking for a snack when I heard someone enter the kitchen.

"You must be Naruto? Right?"
The person asked.

I turned around
"Yup! That's me"

This person was one of Sasuke's friends. He had reddish hair.

"Aren't you friends with Sasuke?"
I said as I sat down on a stool.

He nodded.

"Soo? Uh..."
I tried to think up something to talk about.

"I'm Sasori."
He said with a big smile.

"Nice to meet you Sasori!"
I said as I smiled back.

I heard a familiar voice yell.

"What is it Ino?"
I replied as I got up from the stool and walked out.

She then grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs.

Wow- now this is why I don't get drunk like them.

-End of chapter 12-

Phew 😃
1035 words, that's..... Not much 😟

Anyways, hi hi people!
How are you? I'm tired asf tbh
I just want to sleeeep 😢

Anyways, I hope you have been drinking water. DRINK WATER ☹️



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