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*btw bold is them talking*

FELIX GET THE FUCK UP, Olivia screamed as she hit him with a pillow. slowly opening his eyes, he saw his little sister walking out the door fuck you oliva he mumbled getting out of bed and going towards the bathroom. As he stepped onto the tiled floor he stubbed his toe FUCK! he screamed hopping towards the sink. As I walked to my closet, oliva screeched hurry the fuck up felix. I quickly grabbed my clothes, chucking them on as I looked in the mirror to see if I was presentable.

 I quickly grabbed my clothes, chucking them on as I looked in the mirror to see if I was presentable

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Yea, this will do, I guess I thought to myself as I walked downstairs to where oliva and Mum were. Morning mum, I said in a slight whisper as she replied with a good morning, dear. I had a slight smile on my freckled coved face as I sat next to my older sister Rachael.
Morning lixie, she said in a happy tone.
Mornin, I replied with a happy face as mum placed Vegemite toast in front of me, quickly eating it and yanking my bag from the cupboard near the door and opening the door and leaving the warmth and comfort of my house (realatiable😭) but not before yelling out an I love you. Not knowing it would be the last one I said to them(not forever, dont worry) for a long time....


Once I got to my high school, I started to run towards my classroom, hopping my teacher wouldn't be their, and in my favour, she was late. A massive smile cracked out onto my face as I sat up the back of the classroom. Just as I said down, I heard Jackson....(Sorry to all the jackson wang fans out there. I just couldn't think of anyone else) look over here, the nerds back, maybe we should meet in the bathroom to see if your still smart after your beating *weird ass laugh* (sorry if it doesnt make sense)
Just because your strong doesn't make you smart I muttered to him as I turned back to yesterday's notes, as I turned around I felt a grip on my hair stopping me from turning around. I think we should teach this bitch how to respect his Superiors, don't ya think boys. just as he yanked me up the teacher walked through the doors. Jackson let me go, whispering meet me in the bathrooms after school and if you don't come it'll be even worse tomorrow. I gulped as I realised I fucked up talking back to him.

~timeskip after school~

I was walking out of art class when I remembered I was gonna get a beating in the bathroom. I sighed as I started walking towards the bathroom Preparing for a beating. Once I got in their I gulped as I saw jackson and his gang of minions smirk as I walked in. So the bitchy scardy cat did come. Jackson said with a dark devil like chuckle. He's started coming towards me as he backed me up against a nearby wall. Not so brave now huh bitch. He was about to hit me but I somehow teleported away from him. All of us went wide eyed as we realised what I just did. All of Jackson's minions and himself ran out of the bathroom, locking it from the outside.

~timeskip to when the cops arrived~

PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND LAY ON THE FLOOR, MAKING YOUR HANDS VISIBLE. An officer yelled at me, I was shaking but complied with them as I layed down keeping my hands where they could see them. With tears in my eyes, they pulled me up by the handcuffs. What's happening I asked one of the officers but he just chuckled saying, you'll probably go to district 9. Everyone went silent as tears fell down my face b-but wh-at abou-t m-my fam-ily. No one answered me and dragged me out to the police car outside.

~another timeskip because im lazy~

You Lee felix are guilty and shall be sentenced to district 9....PLEASE SIR, IM ONLY SIXTEEN I DIDN'T EVEN HURT ANYBODY, I screamed, but he just got the guards to escort me away to the truck to take me to district 9.

~another timeskip~

I'm sorry, kid, was the last thing I heard before getting thrown off the truck into district 9.....

|i hope you guys liked the first chapter and thank you to KeishaMea8 for the motivation to get this done😊 and lastly goodbye and see you cuties next time😉|

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