Meeting them.

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hi....I'm so so so so sorry I haven't posted in awhile, some personal things came up in life. and also if I'm still doing this shit in like, 2027, I'm not gonna post  for awhile bc ill probably be moving out bc I hate this damn town and its small af, alsoo ill probably be moving to New York or Los Angelas. anyways ill now continue the story, buttt before you start reading please please (if you want) go subscribe to my YouTube channel (mitsukisdiary), it doesn't have any videos yet bc I need to get my stuff to turn my room ✨aesthetic✨ so ill be posting around Christmas. also if there's speech marks that means that person is speaking bc I'm now writing this on my old laptop, anyways enjoy the story!!!

I slowly opened my eyes as a bright light was washed into the room by the windows. I squinted as the light was way too bright for my eyes. Soon, I started freaking out, remembering the girl, and everything that just happened. My eyes shot open as I quickly looked around the room.

Ahhh, you're finally awake. A familiar voice said, my head snapped to the corner of the room, where a familiar face was leaning against the wall.

Y-y/n w-hat are you d-doing he-ere? I asked, kinda confused on why she was here. She just chuckled and replied with simple "I live here. I looked at her with a dazed look, "w-what do y-you mean live here" I said confused af "its my house. now, lets introduce you to my brothers" she replied with a small smile. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN INTRODUCE ME TO YOUR BROTHERS" I whisper yelled at her. she simply smiled and told me "your probably gonna date or maybe even marry them. now I'm gonna go get them, be right back" she said as she walked out of the room. I was left stunned. "I'm going to meet her brothers" I whispered to my self, still kinda shocked this has all happened in one day...

~Chan's Pov~

Y/n suddenly cam running into the living room, she looked quite excited. I was kinda of confused on why she was acting like that so I asked "what's up with you" she responded with a smirk. then practically ran up to us, she grabbed all of our hands as she ran back upstairs to her room. (Y/n may look small and weak but trust me...she ISNT one bit weak.) just as we got to her room she let all of us and we all fell into a massive pile. Just then we heard rustling coming from Y/n's room, we all immediately stood up and was about to open when...

{Hehehe. next part will be uploaded in an hour😏                                                                                         also ill try my best to be more active now that I'm home                                                                          schooling for the rest of the year but I'm lazy af, sooo....I'll try my best.                                              Now bye bye my cuties🥺💕                                                                                                                                          Love you all, also ya'll looking like a real snack rn😏. sorry-}

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