Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

In the underwater kingdom of Atlantica, King Triton is waiting in the throne room for the arrival of his youngest daughter Ariel.

When Ariel finally arrives and greets her father, he gives her a serious look.

Ariel : Is something wrong daddy?

King Triton :  Yes, as a matter of fact there is young lady. I know what you've been doing, and I'm putting a stop to it!

Ariel : W-what do you mean?

King Triton : You've been going to the surface and interacting with a human haven't you?!

Her eyes widen.

King Triton : And that's not all. Sebastian also told me you are in a relationship with this human!

Ariel gives Sebastian a betrayed look.

Sebastian : I'm sorry Ariel, but your father deserved to know what's been going on.

King Triton : It is against the laws of the Kingdom to interact with humans, you should know this Ariel!

Ariel : I know daddy, but he would've drowned if I didn't save him that day! For the past few weeks, him and I have been meeting at the surface to hang out and talk. His name is [Y/N] [L/N], and he's the kindest and handsomest guy I've ever met. I'm in love with him daddy!

King Triton : You're in love with him?! He's a human Ariel, they can't be trusted! I forbid you from seeing this [Y/N] [L/N] ever again!

Ariel : You can't do this! [Y/N] and I are in love, and we will be together whether you like it or not daddy!

She says with tears in her eyes before quickly swimming out of the throne room.

King Triton : Ariel! Wait!

He lets out a sigh and looks down. .

King Triton : I didn't handle that well did I Sebastian?

Sebastian : With all due respect your majesty, you did not. I've met [Y/N], and he is a very fine young man. When he and Ariel began their relationship, I was against it at first, but then I started to realize that they were made for each other. I have never seen your daughter as happy as she is when she's with [Y/N] your majesty. In my humble opinion, I think you should meet the young man for yourself before you make any judgements.

King Triton : .....You're right Sebastian.

He gets up and addresses one of the palace servants.

King Triton : Prepare my chariot. Sebastian, tell me where my daughter goes to meet up with this [Y/N].


Sitting on a large rock near the ocean shore, [Y/N] listens as his girlfriend finishes telling him what went down between her and her father.

[Y/N] : Man, I'm so sorry Ariel. Maybe...our relationship was a bad idea.

Ariel : W-what are you saying [Y/N]?

He sighs and takes her hands into his.

[Y/N] : Ariel, I love you, but I don't want to be a point of issue between you and your father.

Ariel : Please [Y/N], I'm sure he'll grow to like you in time.

[Y/N] : But what if he doesn't? I know how much you love your father, and I'd hate myself if I drove a wedge between you two because of our relationship.

She looks at him with her blue eyes glistening with sadness and desperation.

Ariel : I love you so much [Y/N], I don't want what we have to end.

[Y/N] : I don't either, but it might be for the best.

The young mermaid begins sobbing before embracing her lover tightly.

King Triton, having secretly heard the whole conversation in silence, rises out of the water in his chariot, surprising the two young lovers.

Ariel : D-daddy?! What are you doing here?

She asks with a small sniffle.

King Triton : Ariel my dear, I heard the whole thing. You truly love this human don't you?

Ariel : Yes, I really do.

She says with a sad smile.

King Triton : And you...

He points at [Y/N].

King Triton : You were going to break up with my daughter because of me weren't you?

[Y/N] : Y-yes your highness, I love Ariel more than anything, but I could never forgive myself if I got between a father and his daughter.

King Triton takes in the human's words and smiles slightly.

King Triton : I see, if that's the case, then you have my blessing to be with my daughter.

The two look at him in surprise.

Ariel : Really daddy?!

She asks him enthusiastically.

King Triton : Yes Ariel, seeing how much you and this human love each other has made me realize that perhaps not all humans are bad. If you truly want to be with him, then there's something I need to do.

He points his trident at [Y/N] and zaps him, magically transforming him into a merman.

Ariel : [Y/N]! Y-you're...!

[Y/N] : A merman?!

They both exclaim in shock.

King Triton explains that [Y/N] can now transform between a merman and a human at will.

Ariel : Now [Y/N] and I can spend even more time together! Thank you so much for this daddy!

She hugs her father, making him smile.

King Triton : You're welcome Ariel, now I shall take my leave. [Y/N], as long as you treat my daughter right, you'll have no problem with me.

[Y/N] : Of course, thank you your majesty.

The king nods and heads back to the palace on his chariot, leaving [Y/N] and Ariel alone.

Ariel : I'm so happy! Now that you can become a merman, we can explore the ocean together! I love you so much [Y/N]!

[Y/N] : I love you too, my little mermaid.

They share a passionate kiss before she drags him into the water to beginning introducing him to what life is like under the sea.

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